Page 12 of Unwanted Bonds

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Using his free hand, he pushed the lock of hair falling over my forehead behind my ear. “You . . .”



“Do you know Reece Quinn, the Alpha of the Woodburn pack?” Alpha Owen asked, his dark gaze drilling into me.

Even though he was gripping my chin tightly, I realized that just like baby Cabe, his memories were vague to me. I had access to them, but I couldn’t see much beyond a few blurred memories with some indistinct yelling.

A shivering breath left my lips as I tried to move away from him, but he wouldn’t let go of my chin. “Why do you want to know?”

“Dad . . . let her go,” Caden said in an agitated tone, but I couldn’t see him because Alpha Owen was holding my face in place and making me hold his gaze.

“Stay out of this, Caden. Just answer my question. What’s your relationship with Alpha Reece?” Alpha Owen asked again in a stern voice.

Seeing that he would not let go of me until he got an answer, I answered his question truthfully. “He’s my father.”

“But Keane . . .” He asked in a wandering tone.

“My mother is a Fae Omega and I have more than one father,” I replied.

He held my gaze for a few seconds before he released his grip on my chin and took two steps away from me.

“I’m sorry. I made a lot of assumptions without knowing the entire truth.” He said.

I glanced up at him in surprise.

“What?” The question slipped out of my mouth.

“I know you. We’ve met before, but it was when you were much younger. At an Alphas Congress where I almost lost my life, you saved me. I’m not willing to believe that the little girl who dragged an injured stranger into a janitor’s closet, cleared off the bloodstains on the way to the closet, and said a spell powerful enough to knock her out just to stop me from bleeding out from a fatal injury would choose to use magic to manipulate my sons.” He said, staring down at me with perplexed scrutiny.

“But I . . . I don’t remember you.” I said, searching his face for any hint of familiarity that could help me remember him.

“You were just six years old. You used a powerful spell to stop my bleeding, and it knocked you out. Since Alpha Reece refused to let me see you after that incident, I figured you might have gotten severely hurt healing me, but I guess you just forgot the entire thing.” A warm smile unexpectedly formed on his lips. “You were so brave and your mother saved my life. Even if you enchanted my sons, I will only secretly kick you out of the pack for a while. I won’t ban you forever. So you can just tell me the truth.”

I let out a sigh of relief as he gazed at me in silence, clearly prepared to listen to me. “I swear by the Moon Goddess that I cannot manipulate people’s thoughts and emotions with my instinctual magic the way you seem to think.”

He looked alarmed, and he grimaced as he asked, “Can you share how your instinctual magic manipulates people’s thoughts and emotions, then?”

I hesitated and looked around the room at Aiden, Caden, Mateo, and Chief Perez before lowering my head and telling Alpha Owen the truth. “I can only make people tell me the truth, that’s all.”

Mateo stepped forward when I wasn’t expecting him to and asked, “So why are you so afraid of touch from anyone other than Aiden, Caden, and me? Do you have another magic that allows you to control people with touch?”

Everyone turned to me again. “That part of my magic doesn’t affect anyone other than me. It’s my weakness.”

“She can take on people’s emotions with touch,” Aiden said all of a sudden, turning to stare at me. “That day at school when you were spaced out, strangling me, you touched someone with murderous . . . thoughts, right?”

“Yes . . . Sort of . . . it doesn’t work entirely like that—” I was saying, but a commotion outside interrupted our conversation and Chief Perez’s office door burst open as a feral-looking Levi walked in.

He speed ran to stand in front of me, blocking me from Alpha Owen’s view, as he said, “Alpha Owen, I can’t believe that you’d just decide to ban a little girl from your pack because she hid some of her information so she could help with an investigation in her spare time. I used to respect you a lot, but it seems like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree after all.”

“Levi, stop. He’s the current Alpha of the Crawford Pack. He can do whatever he wants with his pack.” I said, pulling at the hem of his shirt.

Alpha Owen took a deep breath, his eyes glowing as he asked through gritted teeth. “What the hell is a vampire doing in my pack?”

“He’s here legally. He’s one of the people sent by the Supernatural Council officially.” I answered, trying to push Levi out of the way so I could stand between him and Alpha Owen.

“Let’s all take a deep breath and calm down so we can have a meaningful conversation. Owen isn’t kicking Aurora out of the Crawford Pack anymore, right, Owen?” Luna Eleanor said, her voice startling me because I didn’t even know when she arrived.

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