Page 33 of Unwanted Bonds

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Aiden sighed as Caden assured me. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll keep a close eye on requests to leave the pack.”

“Thanks,” I said with a forced smile.

Looking down at my phone, I pressed my thumb on the dial icon. “Give me a minute to talk to Levi.”

Just after I spoke, Levi picked up the phone. “Princess? You called?”

I blushed at his teasing tone and exaggerated French accent.

“I told you to stop calling me that,” I complained.

“So sorry, my dearest queen, your knight made a mistake again—”

I knew he was going to get into a funny spiel that would make me embarrassed to face Aiden, Caden, and Mateo, so I interrupted him. “I’m calling you for official reasons. Angelique . . . the girl who passed away . . . Her parents found out about my relationship with the Supernatural Council, came to school, and shared the news with everyone who cared to listen. I’ve also been summoned for a trial before the Crawford Pack Council.”

“Are you okay? Did they touch you?” Levi asked.

I could tell from his quickened breathing and the background noises that he was donning his jacket and grabbing his keys to come and fetch me.

“I’m fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry, they didn’t touch me. I’m with Caden, Aiden, and Mateo. Even if they wanted to, no one would confront me while I’m with them.” I assured him.

“I’m coming over there right now.” He said.

Caden grabbed the hand I was using to hold my phone to my ear and then indicated that he wanted to speak to Levi.

I shrugged and acquiesced, letting him grasp my hand, still clutching the phone, and pressed it to his ear. “Hi . . . Levi. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come get her. Everyone is watching her every move right now, and it won’t do her any good to be seen in the company of a vampire.”

Levi paused and then asked through gritted teeth. “So, what do you suggest? Wait a minute, I’ll get her driver to go pick her up.”

“No need. We’ll bring her to you. We need to discuss some precautions anyway about your stay in the pack. If you’re seen right now, this case could escalate, so to keep things civil, you might need to stay out of sight.” Caden said.

“Fine. Bring her home. I’ll be waiting. Please pass the phone to Aurora.” Levi said.

The hostility in his voice was considerably reduced compared to when he started speaking to Caden, but Caden didn’t seem to care. He held my hand, which was gripping the phone, and pressed it back to my ear.

I stared into his deep coffee-brown eyes as Levi said, “Aurora, stay safe and come home with them. I’ll update your Dad and Rebecca on what’s going on while I wait for you.”

“Sure,” I said, turning my head to the side to avoid Caden’s mesmerizing gaze.



“Aurora, do you want to get groceries? This way, you and Levi don’t meet troublesome pack members while moving around town. I’ll go get it for you.” Mateo asked as Caden drove out of the school gate.

“Oh . . . we need to get some pre-made food, like frozen pizzas, instant noodles, pasta, and bread. I only know how to cook a couple of meals and Levi is a kitchen burner. He could burn down the house boiling water.” I said, chuckling as memories of Levi’s failed cooking adventures flashed through my head.

Then I caught Caden’s curious glance at me from the rear mirror of Mateo’s car, which he was driving.

I coughed awkwardly, and a smile curled his lips as he said, “It’s okay. You can talk about him. I’ve thought about it a lot and I can manage sharing you with him . . . I don’t mind listening to you talk about him.”

Mateo cleared his throat. “You’ve known each other for a long time?”

I nodded, smiling hesitantly. “Since I was ten, he—”

“Since you were ten?! Oh my god, that’s so . . . that’s so . . .” Aiden stared at me as if I’d told him I was the Moon Goddess.

I smiled fondly at his shocked expression. “Does it sound weird? He’s a vampire-mage. He’s lived over a hundred years. I’ve heard many stories about vampires who met their true mates when they were babies. They either cared for and watched over them until they were old enough to be together or found a family or guardians for them. I’ve also heard of vampires that found their true mates later in their human lives and accompanied them in their old age until they died if they didn’t want to be turned. Levi was my instructor first, then my best friend, and it wasn’t until I turned eighteen that we were together for the first time. He never once looked at me that way until that day. And even then, he wasn’t very conscious.”
