Page 21 of Accepted Bonds

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I went back to Ni Daonni City the same day I was discharged from the hospital.After I kissed Mateo, Caden, and Aiden goodbye at Mac Tire City’s airport, my family and I took a plane to the city closest to Mac Tire.It had a teleportation station, so from there, we teleported to Ni Daonni City.With teleportation, we completed our journey from Mac Tire City to Ni Daonni City within a few hours.

In the days after I got to Ni Daonni City, I was made to stay home all day, supervised by Levi or my parents.Levi only managed to sneak me to the gym for some simple physical training once in a while.I also managed to convince Daddy Aisling to take me to the Spellmakers’ Guild twice.It was those few activities and playing board games with Levi and my parents that made my boring recovery days somewhat colorful.My parents and relatives also put in all their efforts to fatten me up as much as they could.

Unfortunately, Nina and Uncle Brogan were yet to return from their mission, so I couldn’t even spend some of my free time with Nina.

When my two weeks of rest were nearly over, some feigned sadness and revealed boredom got me what I had been restless for since I got to Ni Daonni City—A trip to the Supernatural Council to take part in the case I couldn’t stop thinking about every single day that I was forced to stay home to recuperate.

I kept trying to go over every piece of information I had access to while I was still on the case, trying to find a connection between the pack observer cases and Nyra’s father, but I still couldn’t find any.The pack observer murdered by Nyra’s father seemed to be unrelated to our case.

Although Henry Baker’s study notes, which I found at Crawford University, had been used to search Henry’s apartment in his pack, Levi told me that the Supernatural Council had found no information there.So we were back to square one, and we still didn’t know why Henry Baker had killed himself.

A mage with the ability to explore people’s memories had tried examining Henry’s daughter’s memories, but he found nothing useful there.That was proof that Henry had done his best to protect her from whatever had forced him to commit suicide.

Thankfully, Nyra had promised to tell us everything she knew, but she was determined to speak to me and no one else.

“She refused to share many details with us.She only shared bits and pieces of information with her psychiatrist to exchange information about you.When you get in there, try your best to get her to explain who placed the compulsion we removed and what the compulsion was for.Understood?”Rebecca and Nyra’s assigned psychiatrist were the ones debriefing me while Daddy Keane stood by the side with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at the little screens that had a clear view, from different angles, of Nyra’s room.

When one of Nyra’s personalities—probably Number 1 or Reuben—started hitting Nyra’s head on the wall repeatedly, she was assigned a padded cell for personal safety.

“She doesn’t just have Dissociative Identity Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, she also has clinical depression.Miss Byrne, you have to be careful with her and with the words you say to her.She told me she was your true mate, so I want to plead with you to encourage her to accept rehabilitation.Try not to show your disapproval of her actions in any way because she holds your opinions in very high esteem.”

“You want her to lie to her?”Rebecca asked with a frown, staring at the psychiatrist in charge of Nyra’s mental rehabilitation.

The blonde psychiatrist with perfectly coiffed hair shook her head.“Of course not.I just want Aurora to be compassionate and a bit more careful with her words.From what I’ve heard from her, Nyra has never intentionally harmed anyone.Everything she’s ever done is reactive to what has been done to her.And while she lacks empathy, she’s not the type of person who takes pleasure in hurting other people.I think if I try hard enough, I can teach her empathy.”

I nodded, “Alright, I understand.I’m ready to speak to her.”

Within a few minutes, I was in Nyra’s padded cell.However, when she raised her face and stared at me with a blank and haughty look, I knew I was facing Number 1 and I didn’t really want to see her.

“Number 1, Hi.”When I greeted her, Number 1 turned her back to me without responding, to indicate that she didn’t want to speak to me.

“I want to see Nyra,” I demanded.

This time, I wasn’t at Number 1’s mercy and I took pleasure in making demands of her.

I crouched down beside her, ready to continue speaking even though Number 1 obviously didn’t want to hear what I had to say.

“Not gonna happen.”Number 1’s voice had a hoarse undertone to it, and she was not a talker.

Since I met her, she only said the bare minimum number of words to get her message across and nothing else.

“Just let me speak to her.If she gives us enough information and her psychiatrist can prove that all her actions were not intentionally malicious, she could get a lighter sentence.If the information she provides helps us, she’ll also get an even lighter sentence.Help me help her.”

Number 1 turned around to face me and our faces were so close that I could see the dark flecks in Nyra’s light brown eyes.“Will you take her back if she’s released?”

“Huh?”The question surprised me because Number 1 seemed to hate me so much during the time I was under Nyra and her father’s captivity.

“You kept your word.No one has hurt her since we got here.There’s been no torture or attempted murder or rape.It’s the first time someone has made us a promise and fulfilled it.So I think you’re not as bad as you seemed before.Nyra still wants to be your friend, but she doesn’t think she’s worthy.She feels that ...since she has nothing to lose, death might be the best option.You’re the only one we know who can give her something to lose.”

Seeing the earnest look in her eyes, I leaned away from Number 1, reminding myself that she was not Nyra even if the pain in her eyes was proof that she wasn’t an emotionless personality like I’d thought before.

“Let me talk to Nyra.We’ll sort this out between ourselves.”I insisted.

“Oh, so because I’m just a second personality, you don’t care to talk to me?I don’t matter, right?Maybe—” She taunted, trying and failing to hide the hurt in her eyes.
