Page 3 of Accepted Bonds

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In a few minutes, Levi walked in, stood on the witness stand, and took a truth serum.

“Hello, please introduce yourself and explain why you should be considered a reliable witness for Aurora Byrne’s pack council trial?”Beta Alex was the one doing the questioning as I went to stand behind my father.

“Hello, my name is Levi Dupont.I’m a member of the Supernatural Council who was granted permission by the Mac Tire City Council and Alpha Owen to investigate a confidential case in the Crawford Pack.Aurora and I are close friends.I was present when she was assigned a mission to investigate an incident related to a staff member of Crawford University.”

Levi raised a hand up and said with a stern expression, “I want to clarify that Aurora is not a full-fledged member of the Supernatural Council, she is what can be referred to as an external staff so even if the Supernatural Council might have wanted to spy on the Crawford Pack, which is against our policies by the way, we wouldn’t have sent Aurora.She was just supposed to find some information about someone who wasn’t even a member of the Crawford Pack but just happened to have been part of Crawford University.That’s all.”

“Well, thank you Levi for explaining this to us, we—” Before Beta Alex could finish speaking, Angelique’s father interrupted him.

“But what about my daughter?How did she die after she offended that Supernatural Council girl?”Pack Councilman Walker was almost yelling.

“Aurora has nothing to do with your daughter’s death.I knew that Pack Councilman Walker would find it hard to believe me if I told you this, so I invited Chief Perez who is still investigating Angelique’s murder to confirm that he has indeed concluded, based on all available evidence, that Aurora Byrne had nothing to do with Angelique’s death.”I said, glaring at Pack Councilman Walker.

After receiving a nod from my father, Capheus opened the double doors again, and it took a few minutes for Levi to leave the conference room while Chief Perez came in.

After throwing back a vial of truth serum, Chief Perez stood before the pack council with an expressionless face.“When I started my investigation, I suspected Aurora Byrne of being the murderer, but after careful investigation, which I can’t divulge much of right now, I have concluded that Aurora Byrne is not Angelique Walker’s murderer.I—”

Councilman Walker stood up abruptly, banging on the table to interrupt Chief Perez before he started yelling like an irate baboon.“Why can’t you divulge the details of your investigation?!You must have colluded with that girl just because she has a relationship with the future ruling members of the pack.I won’t—”

Irritation swelled in my heart, especially since I knew the bastard was responsible for Aurora’s almost kidnapping incident before she went missing.

I tamped down my irritation and then leveled a glare at him, fueled by my Sentinel ability to influence pack members’ emotions.“I think Pack Councilman Walker is better off controlling his emotions instead of yelling like an undisciplined werewolf that wants to rebel against his Alpha just because he wants to hold someone innocent responsible for his daughter’s murder.”

As usual, my Sentinel abilities came through for me as Councilman Walker sat back down in his chair looking dumbfounded, with parted lips like he wanted to argue but was too blank-headed to.

“Please continue Chief Perez,” I said, clasping my hands together behind my back.

Chief Perez nodded and continued speaking, “While I have yet to conclude Angelique’s case.I just concluded a brief investigation on the man who attacked Miss Aurora Byrne five days ago and I found out that the person who sent him after Miss Byrne happens to be Pack Councilman Walker.This was surprising given that the attacker arrived with both a knife and a syringe containing a mix of Wolfsbane and some other poisonous materials, which were lethal enough to kill Miss Byrne if the attacker had injected it into her body.As Miss Byrne is currently missing, I’m afraid I need to hand Councilman Walker over to the pack’s underground law enforcement because only they can force you to tell us if you’re just responsible for attempted murder or if you’re responsible for more than that.”

The entire hall went dead silent, and I stared at Councilman Walker and the way he all but squirmed in his seat.

“I was wondering why Councilman Walker was so insistent that Aurora murdered Angelique.It was probably because you had no qualms about abducting another person’s daughter and trying to kill her.”

If my Sentinel abilities were a fist, that fist was pressing Councilman Walker to his seat right now, so it did not surprise me when he bowed a few minutes later, sweating vigorously as he confessed, “I’m sorry ...I’m sorry.I didn’t plan to kill her.I just wanted to get her to confess that she’d murdered my daughter.I swear to the Moon Goddess that I had nothing to do with her second abduction.”

A few seconds after this confession, my father cleared his throat, a cautioning sound directed at me as well as a subtle warning for me to stop using my abilities to deal with the red-faced Councilman Walker.

“Alright, since Councilman Walker has confessed, please go back with the pack enforcers.They’ll interrogate you and release you when you tell them everything they want to know.Thank you, Chief Perez.”My dad said, looking so much like Caden with the calm look he leveled at Councilman Walker.

Under his stare and the easing influence of my Sentinel powers of persuasion, Councilman Walker nodded, stood up, and walked to Chief Perez’s side.My father made a gesture with his hand, ordering Capheus to open the doors for the enforcers waiting to take Councilman Walker away.

After Councilman Walker and Chief Perez left, my father continued speaking.“I think everything we’ve just heard has absolved Aurora Byrne of all accusations.What do the pack councilmen think?”

“I have an objection.”



“I have an objection.”That sentence echoed in my head as I looked carefully around the table and found that the person speaking was Nathan’s father, Councilman Smith.

I couldn’t help frowning at the sight of him for several reasons.One was that Nathan was linked to the reason this stupid meeting was taking place, and another reason was Councilman Smith’s poor reputation.

He looked like a respectable Pack Councilman in his manner of speech, but he was a well-known misogynist, known for hitting his wife and treating his daughters like absolute garbage.I had reason to believe that Nathan was so unruly because of his father’s influence.

My father nodded for him to air his concerns, and he rose to his feet and started speaking.“We all know that Aiden has some freaky Sentinel magic thing that allows him to influence the emotions of pack members.Are you sure you didn’t just manipulate Councilman Walker to say what you wanted him to say?”

I glared at him and said through gritted teeth.“I just took a truth serum twenty to thirty minutes ago.I only used my Sentinel abilities to influence Councilman Walker, to tell the truth.”
