Page 32 of Accepted Bonds

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In fact, I’d only found out because Alpha Owen had sent me a text ordering me to discretely find and bring some candles and sage to the hotel’s basement.

Therefore, as we walked down to the conference room, Caden narrated the incident that had taken place at this morning’s Alphas Forum in a low whisper.By the time we got to the conference room, I understood what had happened.Alpha Dean of the Harrison pack was murdered by the current pack observer of his pack and Alpha Owen had handed over the case to the Supernatural Council.

I didn’t need Caden to tell me that Alpha Owen’s decision had been met with significant opposition.I knew for a fact that many members of the Mac Tire City Council would be unhappy with that decision.

When we walked into the soundproof conference room, we heard Alpha Owen speaking to Mr.Keane, Aurora’s father, who worked in the Supernatural Council.

There were only four people in the conference room: Alpha Owen, Alpha Reece, a brunette whom Aurora had referred to as Rebecca after the ritual to speak to the dead, and a blonde she called Victoria.And all of them were staring at the projector screen onto which a video call with Mr.Keane was projected.

“Is this what Aurora was looking for in my pack?Evidence that I was compelling my pack observer?”Alpha Owen asked.

“No, because we didn’t even know that anything like that was happening at the beginning.”Mr.Keane replied with an indifferent look on his face that only disappeared when he was with his mate, daughter, or Aurora’s other fathers.

“How are we going to deal with the murder of the Harrison Pack Alpha?His pack and all the other Alphas at the Congress are going to want to find out why a pack observer just murdered an Alpha.The only justifiable response now is that his Alpha compelled him and—”

Mr.Keane interrupted Alpha Owen.“No, we can’t let the involved Alphas know that we’re onto them or that we know that some of them have found a way to cheat the system by compelling their pack observers.We still don’t know how many of them have adopted this new to manipulate their pack observers and how many are planning to do so.If we make such an announcement, many Alphas will abort their plans or conceal their evil deeds instantly.”

“If only we could just catch one of them red-handed or get direct contact with one of those witches ...”Rebecca said.

The solution to their problem seemed simple enough, and I was surprised they hadn’t already figured it out, so I suggested it.“You can do that if you can find an honest Alpha like Alpha Owen who will pretend to need help to control his pack observer.”

“Oh, that’s a good idea.”Alpha Owen said, tapping his finger on the 5 o’clock shadow on his chin.

“Yes, well, where are we going to find such an Alpha?All the good Alphas we know who have worked with or are friendly with the Supernatural Council will never be allowed in on this secret.If we accidentally expose the fact that we know what’s going on by sending the wrong Alpha, we could lose every chance to find out the whole truth.”It was Rebecca who spoke again.

I nodded because she was right.

“No, he’s right.We have considered Alphas affiliated to the Supernatural Council, but we didn’t consider honest Alphas with no affiliations to the Supernatural Council.Owen, any suggestions?”Mr.Keane asked.

Alpha Owen sat back in his chair and stared at Mr.Keane with a disinterested look.“Why consider me?Talk to your affiliated Alphas instead.I don’t want to be affiliated with the Supernatural Council and I don’t know any Alphas who want to be affiliated without the benefits either.Just because I spoke for your family at the Mac Tire City’s Council meeting the last time, I’m already being excluded from certain meetings with the Alphas in the South.With this new incident, I—”

Alpha Reece sneered, and I watched Mr.Keane sit back in his chair and clasp his fingers together as he asked, interrupting Alpha Owen’s speech.“Alright, what do you want?”

“What every pack Alpha wants from the Supernatural Council.Weapons, training for pack enforcers, and information.Don’t worry, I won’t ask for too much.After all, we’re about to become family, and Aurora is my daughter-in-law.”

I turned my gaze away from the sight of Alpha Owen’s shameless smirk and Mr.Keane’s expressionless face with the pulsing vein on his forehead.Alpha Reece was quiet, and I didn’t even dare to turn toward him to see his facial expression.

Despite Alpha Owen’s seemingly careless negotiation tactics, I knew that his current expression and speech were needed for this negotiation.After all, Alpha Owen’s malleability and shamelessness, which he turned on and off whenever he wanted to negotiate, was one of the reasons he was known as an old fox in werewolf skin by several of his allies and opponents.

“Fine, I’ll give you a day to share your list of ...expectations.The Supernatural Council will negotiate with you then.”Mr.Keane said.

“Aren’t you guys in a hurry?”Alpha Owen asked.

“We’re not in enough of a hurry to give you an open check.”Alpha Reece retorted with a glare directed at Alpha Owen.“Plus ...rather than losing benefits, we would be better off just asking our affiliated Alphas if they have secret alliances that we can take advantage of.”

“But how do you know which of your affiliated Alphas are taking part in this neat little trick to compel pack observers and which ones aren’t?And Reece can’t even help this time.He’s not just affiliated with the Supernatural Council, he also worked for the Supernatural Council.I’m afraid the only friends he trusts are already affiliated with the Supernatural Council.How about we do this?I’ll give you a suggestion and then you guys can give me and the Alpha I’m introducing to you the benefits you usually give to the Alphas affiliated with the Supernatural Council.However, it needs to be done discretely, such that no other Alphas know about your affiliation with us and our packs.”

Mr.Keane frowned but agreed after several seconds of silent contemplation.“Fine.Deal.”

“I know an Alpha whom I think is best for this job.However, before I suggest this Alpha, who has already been indirectly invited to participate in this compelling pack observers business, you need to give me a definite answer on how you plan to deal with Alpha Dean’s murder.”

Mr.Keane’s brows furrowed deeper.“We’ll just tell everyone that the Supernatural Council is still investigating the case.”

“You know that’s going to backfire, right?Caden, tell Keane the most likely reaction of the members of the Alphas Congress to this incident.”Alpha Owen sat back in his chair, his lips pursed and his face cold and unhappy.

“Most likely, the members of the Alphas Congress are going to try to use this incident to repeal the Pack Observer Law,” Caden answered, his voice a bit hoarse.

Mr.Keane smiled for the first time since we walked into this meeting.“I know.Thanks for your concern, Alpha Owen.I’m glad to see that even though you greatly opposed the Pack Observer Law many years ago, you have seen its benefits and want to preserve it.”
