Page 39 of Accepted Bonds

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Levi chuckled, “Sure, I’ll drop by soon.”

“Tsk!You’re saying this now, but we both know that you’re only ever in the pack when Aurora is.What are you going to do now that Aurora has mates?”Julian asked.

“Oh, didn’t I tell you?I’m one of Aurora’s mates.”Levi smirked.

Julian paused for a second before a grin covered his face and he did another handshake hug thing with Levi.“I’m so happy you aren’t getting left behind, man.”

Then Julian turned to me with a raised eyebrow just as Harper arrived dressed in a flowy black dress.“Didn’t I tell you that Levi likes you?”

I rolled my eyes at him and changed the subject.“Yeah, yeah, yeah ...Can we go now?”

When we got to the beach, it was quite a sight to take in.Although it wasn’t a full moon night, the half moon cast a surreal sheen over the beaches’ waves making them look like dangerous waves of silver lapping at the shore, trying to move close to the logs and beach chairs arranged in a circle around a roaring bonfire.

When we got to the bonfire party around 8pm, the bonfire was already a blazing beacon against the cool breeze.Its flames created shifting patterns of light and shadow on the beach sands as it danced valiantly in the air, leaving behind a unique scent of burning wood and the salty tang of the sea in the air.

Laughter and conversation intertwined with the sound of the waves as well as the music from the DJ mixing music close to the long tables that held various foods and beverages.People were seated on logs talking or toasting marshmallows, standing around in groups, strolling along the water’s edge, or swaying and dancing to the music.

One of the perks of being with a powerful legacy pack like the Crawford Pack was that even though we were late, they had reserved seats for us.Unfortunately, the seats were only enough for a few of us to sit, so I sat on Mateo’s thighs.

After seating, Mateo went to get marshmallows, chocolates, and crackers for s’mores and we started toasting marshmallows while watching a group of werewolves dance cha-cha slide dances.

I held onto Mateo’s and I’s toasted marshmallows in one hand and toasted two more with my other hand while he made the toasted ones into s’mores.I grinned as Caden, who was seated on Mateo’s right side, gave me a bite of his s’more.After Mateo and I made ours, I gave Levi a bite of mine because he was still toasting two marshmallows of which I would surely partake.

We were sharing s’mores when Aiden abruptly stood up with an exasperated sigh.Concerned, I turned to stare at him where he’d chosen to sit a little farther away, talking to someone he’d made friends with the last time he came to Mac Tire City for basketball training.

“Stop touching me!I have a mate, okay?”My lips twitched when he yelled so loudly that I could hear every word he said above the music.

Even though a smile was tugging at the corner of my lips, I wanted to cover my face when he continued yelling after the DJ stopped the music.“If anybody touches me inappropriately again, I’ll break one finger.That’s a promise.I have a mate, so stay away from me.”

I watched as two girls, whose heads were lowered in embarrassment, stepped away from him.They moved around the circle of logs around the bonfire to hide in the crowd of people standing opposite Aiden.

Caden waved his hand and a few seconds later, the music started again as Ryan went to sit on the edge of our seats so that Aiden could sit closer to us after saying goodbye to his friend.

When someone brought some drinks over, Levi went to get beers, bringing me a bottle of sweet beer.

We were talking and laughing when the music changed to Ring of Fire.As if everyone had been waiting for this song, couples started pairing up for square dancing.

While I hadn’t been to many bonfires, I had been to a few, and I’d always wanted to try square dancing.

When Caden offered to do the dance with me, I took his hand, laughing as we joined another couple to square dance to the lively tempo and catchy rhythm of ‘Ring of Fire’.

Caden and I were breathing hard when we returned to our seats.Our cheeks were flushed from the exertion of dancing and my smile never left my face as I absorbed the liveliness in the fun environment.Grinning, I ignored the glances I got as Aiden snatched me from Caden and pulled me onto his lap.

Aiden and I exchanged tales of our bonfire party experiences in hushed tones, whispering in each other’s ears so we could talk without yelling.Our chatter was interrupted by the lively tune of Louis Prima’s ‘Jump, Jive an’ Wail’ which ignited cheers from everyone at the party.

Aiden had a conniving look in his eyes as he stood up while holding me upright with his hands around my waist.

“We’re dancing this time.”He said.

I allowed him to pull me onto the dance floor with a smile.After all, we’d just been talking about swing dances on the beach when ‘Jump, Jive an’ Wail’, a popular song for swing dancing, came on.

Soon enough, Aiden and I were fumbling through a swing dance.We weren’t very good at it because we’d never danced together, but at least we had fun and laughed a lot when we made funny mistakes.

We were going back to sit when ‘Sing, Sing, Sing’ by Benny Goodman came on and other people continued swing dancing but then Levi appeared out of nowhere, grabbed my hand, and took me back to the dance floor with a flimsy, “May I?”

Levi and I had done the East Coast swing dance together twice, so we had much more tacit understanding and made fewer mistakes while swing dancing to ‘Sing, Sing, Sing’.

After dancing, we went to get something to eat because I was already hungry.
