Page 5 of Accepted Bonds

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“Alright, meeting dismissed.”



I woke up abruptly, feeling a searing sting as a few drops of a toxic burning substance trickled down my throat.My nostrils were obstructed, compelling me to open my mouth for breath.I could only kick my legs weakly in a futile manner until the person covering my nose with a small cloth released me.

I sat up and every part of my body hurt as I coughed hard.My throat was burning as if broken glass had been poured into it.After coughing, I had no energy to keep sitting upright, so I laid back on the thin mattress Nyra and her father had arranged for me.

I turned to face the wall, ignoring Nyra and struggling with the desire to pull at the Kian Rings around my neck that prevented me from using magic.

I tried to go back to sleep because I knew that the person who just poured a drop of Wolfsbane down my throat was not Nyra, my friend, who had disappeared into thin air.Nyra had Dissociative Identity Disorder and three personalities which included a perverted personality that called itself my true mate, a psychopathic personality who hated me and wanted me dead, and a blank-faced, ruthless personality.

Of the three personalities I’d met, I felt like the person who just smothered me in order to poison me was Nyra’s blank-faced personality—Number 1.Number 1 was the personality that convinced the other personalities to poison me slowly with tiny but painful doses of Wolfsbane that seemed like drops in the ocean but had weakened me to the extent that I was now lying on a bed, unchained with no strength to even fend off Nyra’s perverted personality that claimed to be my true mate.

The reason for that choice was that I would die slowly and by the time anyone did an autopsy, they wouldn’t be able to find the concentration of Wolfsbane needed to kill a werewolf so no one would know I’d died from Wolfsbane poisoning.

The second personality, Reuben, was the maniac who’d banged a metal rod on the back of my head and tried to strangle me the first night after we settled in this cottage.Reuben was also the psychopath that had abducted me when I found out the truth about Nyra’s father being the pack observer murderer I’d touched during Crawford University’s in-person yearly registration.

After a few minutes, I realized, from the lingering touches on my bare legs, that the personality who fed me poison was gone, replaced by my perverted true mate—Number 3.While those touches didn’t make me want to puke, I didn’t like them.I made a muffled noise and opened my eyes when Nyra’s hands moved a little too high up my thighs.

I sat up slowly to stare at Number 3, who was sitting by my feet and trailing her fingers up and down my legs.

“Water.”My voice was hoarse.

Number 3 gave me a weird smile and asked, “Are you okay, Ro?”

What kind of weirdo would ask an abducted person who was being poisoned day and night with drops of Wolfsbane if they were okay?

“I’m thirsty ...and hungry.”While this personality was perverted and liked to touch me inappropriately, she was the only one who ever supplied my needs because she thought of herself as a ‘provider’ kind of mate.

She stared at me with a meaningful look that I understood.

So I nodded and said, “You can touch my legs.”

She tsked and said, “That’s not going to be enough payment today.I want more.Reuben said if I keep giving you so much for so little, you would take me for granted.”

Even though I was sick and drowsy, I wanted to give Reuben a black eye for putting thoughts into Number 3’s head and making things more difficult for me.

“That’s impossible.I can’t do anything with you.I—”

“Well, then go get food and water yourself.”She said, getting up from the floor where she had been kneeling and standing over me with a hard look.

“You—” I was going to argue, but Nyra interrupted me.

“I think you’re taking me for granted.You know ...when Nyra and her family were accepted into one of their former packs, she was sent to her Alpha’s bed the very next day.Number 3 just wants to touch you a little and you’re rejecting me?I—”

“What do you mean by what you said just now?”I asked, coughing as I waited to get an answer from her.

“I just want to touch you a little.I promise I’ll just touch your boobs.I’ve been reading up on being together with you on the internet.The day after tomorrow, I’ll go out and get some tools so we can be together.Don’t worry, I’ve watched everything I can.It won’t hurt at all.But I need you to agree to do this and you have to enjoy it, or Nyra and Number 1 will kick Number 3 down the rabbit hole, never to be seen again.”

Number 3’s torrent of words made me surprised, embarrassed, and shocked at the same time.“I’m not doing anything with you!That’s not what I’m asking.What did you just say about Nyra and her Alpha’s bed?”

“Oh, that’s Nyra’s other Alpha ...the one before the last one who likes teenage girls.When Nyra and her family moved into the pack, their Luna sent her to the Alpha’s bed.”Number 3 said in a sulky tone as she grasped my hand and was playing with my fingers.

I sat there with my back, supported by a pillow, pressed to the wall in a dumbfounded manner as a few offhand comments from Nyra about her former packs flashed through my head, and I realized that Nyra had probably been abused in her previous packs.I couldn’t help but wonder if that was the trauma that had caused her to develop multiple personalities.

I turned to look resolutely at Number 3, the look in my eyes scaring her so much that she dropped my hand and said with a pout, “Okay, okay, I’ll get you food and water.You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
