Page 50 of Accepted Bonds

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“Noted, ma’am.”Levi, Rebecca, Victoria, and I chorused.

“Alright, meeting dismissed.”Uncle Tariq said, ending the meeting.



On the third day, after Alpha Timothy met the hooded handler, my mates and I went down for breakfast as usual.Then Caden and I went for the mandatory morning Alphas Forum and listened to the Alphas Congress compile a list of requests they planned to make in the upcoming Pack Observer Law repeal meeting.Those shameless requests for various benefits were supposed to be the compensation for the Alphas Congress and its members having to deal with the Pack Observer Law all this while since its enactment.

After that brain-numbing meeting, I bid farewell to my mates, who believed I was departing for a Supernatural Council meeting in Ni Daonni City, and teleported to our meeting place with Levi.

Our meeting place was an underground bunker which was one of the Supernatural Council’s secret safe houses that only Uncle Tariq, the head of the Supernatural Council, had knowledge of.

In the safe house, we met Rebecca, my mom, who was to serve as a medical aid in case we needed one, Daddy Keane, Daddy Aisling, Nina, Uncle Brogan, Aunt Ciara, Uncle Tariq, Uncle Drew, Uncle Doyle, and some of Uncle Brogan and Aunt Ciara’s trusted subordinates in the Supernatural Council.Victoria and Ken were still at the Lannigan Hotel where the Alphas Congress was taking place to help Alpha Timothy prepare for and go to the meeting from the hotel.

Although there were several people in the safe house, most of them were present to serve as support.The individuals going on the field mission to apprehend the witch and her handler were me, Levi, my mom, Daddy Keane, Uncle Doyle, Aunt Ciara, Uncle Tariq, and some of Aunt Ciara’s team members.

Because visiting the location engraved into the teleportation orb given to Alpha Timothy before the set time could alert the organization involved in this matter, we couldn’t canvas the meeting place ahead of time or set up an ambush.

Thirteen minutes after Alpha Timothy had teleported to the orb’s destination with a more sophisticated cufflink audio transmitter, Alpha Timothy tapped his cufflink twice when the handler started trying to awaken his pack observer and we teleported straight to him.

After tapping his cufflink, Alpha Timothy squeezed an egg-like orb that Victoria had been instructed to give to him while we teleported into the location.As part of our plan, the movements of everyone near the special orb, including Alpha Timothy, who squeezed it, were frozen in time.Only Uncle Doyle could move.He touched Daddy Keane and Uncle Tariq and said a spell to free them from the control of the time-freezing orb that was created by Uncle Doyle’s gifted Fae friend who lived in the Fae Realm.

I watched, frozen, as Daddy Keane restrained the handler, squeezed his jaw to hold his mouth open, and made him spit out a black pill.Then he pulled out a device from the handler’s pocket and placed it in his pocket.

Uncle Tariq had an easier time subduing the witch, who was frightened and obviously untrained to handle possible raids like her handler.After they were subdued, one of Aunt Ciara’s former subordinates teleported away with Alpha Timothy and his unconscious pack observer.

Once we received news that they’d arrived at the safe house, Uncle Doyle used a Fae orb to create a bubble around us all.The orb was so powerful that it created a separate time and space, eliminating any kind of outside interference, whether technological or magical.It eliminated our communication with everyone back at the safe house, who were to serve as our standby support and would come get us if three hours passed without them hearing from us.

Once that was settled, we started by interrogating the handler.

It was a double assault type of interrogation.After pushing the second half of my instinctual magic to the forefront, I gripped the handler’s arm and used my instinctual magic to force him to tell us the truth while my dad also read the thoughts that flowed through his mind with every question he was asked to make sure that we didn’t miss any information.

While shivering, the handler told us about how the Notebook Organization had paid his tuition fees until he graduated, only to enlist him in an entry-level position in the organization.

His job as a new handler was a Level 3 position that he’d worked hard to get into after five years of working in the organization.Therefore, he had very little to tell us about the Compulsion-for-Hire department, as he called it.The only thing he knew for sure was that the department didn’t just exist for pack Alphas to control their pack observers, even though that was a lucrative opportunity that their department had stumbled upon.According to the handler, the department boasted of influencing all sorts of activities, including several important political, economic, and social events, by compelling key individuals to do as their employers wanted.

After dealing with the handler thirty minutes later, I drank some water before approaching the witch.When I saw her, I realized that Alpha Juan’s memories hadn’t done her any justice because she was a stunning beauty.She had flawless dark skin that glistened in a rich tone that was truly peerless.Her skin paired with her distinctive facial features like her close-set round eyes, cherry-colored lips, short hair, the length of a crew cut, and eerie gray eyes gave her a surreal inhuman look.

When I stepped forward to touch her, she flinched, fear sliding across her face as though my hand was a life-threatening weapon.

“Please do not hurt me!I can’t tell you anything you want to know.I’m bound by oath ...blood oath.I will die if I say anything.”Her English was fluent, but she had an unknown yet heavy accent where she pronounced every syllable in a distinct melodic and rhythmic cadence.

I could see that she wanted to tell the truth but was just afraid to die, so I explained, “Um, I can help.I’m from the Supernatural Council, an organization that protects all supernaturals, including witches like you.My instinctual magic can help you tell the truth regardless of your blood oath, so you won’t die if you tell the truth while I’m touching you.”

The woman’s eyes widened as soon as she heard me speak.Then, with hope lighting up her eyes, she asked, “You ...all of you ...are from the Supernatural Council?”

“Yes,” I replied.

A tear rolled down her cheeks as she grabbed my right hand with both of her hands.“Then we can be saved, bah?My name is Njeri.My people are of African-European descent, but we do not belong to any African or European country.We are ...what is that word ...fugitives?We’re fugitives because our ancestors used magic, the same magic I have been using since I came to your country, to make people do things against their will.You have to understand ...our magic was not meant to be forced on people.It was meant to soothe people who already trusted us.”

“Like anesthesia?The medicine that makes people sleep during medical operations?”I asked.

“Yes, like that.Our midwives and nurses used it to soothe the sick in their care, but some tribes discovered that it could be used to change people’s wills and they abused it and hurt people in Africa and Europe.Because of this, our ancestors were referred to as Mchawi Wa Kijivu, which means Gray Witches, and were banned from both continents.”

“Now, we live on no-man’s-land, in the fringe areas between Africa and Europe in tribes, but there’s an organization hunting us down.They destroy tribes, kill our men, capture weak women and children, and treat our people like animals, sending us to their laboratories in no-man’s-land for their experiments.My family died in a tribe attack, but I ran away with my aunt to a nearby tribe.We did not know that it was a trading tribe.They made us feel welcome and then they sold us to those people.”She was breathing hard and there was hatred in her eyes as she pointed at the handler that Uncle Drew was holding down.

As if afraid that seeing hatred in her eyes would make us unwilling to help her, she closed her eyes and pressed her right palm to her chest for a few seconds before continuing, “They brought us here ...and forced us to take a blood oath or ...die.After the oath, the pretty ones ...they sent them out the first night.They dishonored us and made us unable to keep our hair.”
