Page 66 of Accepted Bonds

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“Aurora, you ready?”Mateo’s voice came from the door.

“Yeah, I’ll be right there.”I yelled toward the door after holding my phone away from my mouth and waited until he’d said ‘Okay’ before returning to my conversation with Nina.“Sorry, what were you saying?”

“It doesn’t matter.We can talk later.Don’t keep your mate waiting.”She said, and I could hear the smirk I knew was on her face.

I chuckled.“Alright, I’ll talk to you later.Tell Uncle Brogan to stay in bed this time until he gets better.”

“Him?He went back to work today after a visit to your mom.I don’t think you should be the one telling him to rest, considering how often you complained about the rest period you were required to observe during your last recovery, right?”Nina teased.

“I’m going to stop talking right now, so you don’t use this against me in the future,” I replied cheekily.

After I ended my call with Nina, I stood in front of the mirror to check that I looked great before stuffing a pair of gloves into my purse in case I needed them, even though Mateo told me we weren’t going anywhere with people.

“You ready?”Mateo asked as I walked over to meet him in the kitchen, where there was a cooler, a backpack with a picnic mat attached to it, and a basket on the counter.

“Yeah.Let me help you with that.”I said, picking up the basket before following him to his car.

Soon we were off on our merry way.

After a while, I realized that our picnic destination was the hidden place with the waterfall close to the Crawford family’s cabin house, and that made me very excited.Since we’d gone there for a few dates alone and with Caden, it was a place full of memories for us and I was looking forward to his proposal, making it a much more memorable place.

When we got to the waterfall, we settled down to have lunch on the ledge so that we could eat in dry clothes before we started playing in the water.

“So has the Supernatural Council decided on a punishment for that Charlotte girl?Your former friend who gave your information to the Notebook Organization?”Mateo asked as he handed me a soda.

At the thought of this matter, my mood soured.“Not yet.Daddy Keane is campaigning for her to be treated as a level-one spy.It seems like a small thing, but getting judged as a spy is very different from getting judged as an informant-type accomplice, especially since I got hurt.”

“Well, I hope he succeeds,” Mateo said before taking a swig of his soda.

A fond smile covered my face.“Knowing him, he will.He doesn’t do things he’s not sure of.”

“Yeah.I’d imagined as much.”

I heard something in his tone as I dropped my soda.“Wait, my dad spoke to you?”

“Yeah.Your Dads spoke to us.Me, Levi, Caden, and Aiden.”

“Why don’t I know about this?Did they warn you off?Threaten you?”I asked curiously.

“Warn us off, no.Threaten us, definitely.They told us very graphically that they’d make us wish we were dead if we dared to hurt you.”Mateo said, before biting into another sandwich.

“When did this happen?”I asked, peering at him curiously.

“Some time ago,” He replied vaguely, grinning when I glared at him.“Don’t worry about it.It was just your fathers being fathers.I enjoyed seeing them like that.”

I knew he was thinking of his own father, so I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers together as we fell into a comfortable silence.

“Hey, I forgot to ask.Has Alpha Owen found Luna Eleanor?”I asked, unable to stomp down my curiosity.

I’d been surprised when Luna Eleanor had left the pack and Caden had explained to me that even though they were true mates, Alpha Owen and Luna Eleanor were unmated.Worse yet, they’d been bound by a contract all these years that was fairly unkind to Luna Eleanor.

As soon as the contract had expired, Luna Eleanor had left the pack and now Alpha Owen, who’d belatedly realized he was in love with her, was searching for her everywhere.

“Yeah, last I heard, he found her.Your dad introduced him to someone who tracked her down.”Mateo said, before biting into his last sandwich.

“Well, I hope he can convince her to come back.The pack is so desolate without her.And that Fae-werewolf guy that ran around enchanting women with his instinctual magic before he was caught would have been thrown out before he caused any damage if Luna Eleanor was here.”

Mateo nodded and laid back on the picnic mat we’d spread on the floor so that he was gazing up at the cloudy sky as he spoke.“I’m glad she left.Alpha Owen doesn’t know how awfully she was treated by the pack councilmen’s wives.Even the pack councilmen were rude and dismissive to her.Now that she left and they all know how important she has been to maintaining the pack’s stability, they will appreciate her better when she returns ...if she returns.”
