Page 7 of Accepted Bonds

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“Wolfsbane,” I said in a quiet voice.

“They’re giving you Wolfsbane?!Who?Reuben?Does Number 1 know?I’ll go talk to them—”

“No!”My voice was shrill as I yelled to stop her, gripping her knee, which was the closest thing to me.“They don’t want us to meet.I begged Number 3 to help without them knowing.Number 1 knows.She ...thinks this is the best course of action.”

She went silent, and I knew she was struggling with herself.From what I’d seen, Number 1 was the biggest decision maker, the voice of reason, and the one who controlled the other personalities while protecting her the most.

I patted the space beside me again and watched her lie on it, facing me.

I moved my shaking hand over her cheeks.It took a lot of strength to caress her cheeks and the lobes of her ears.“I wish I’d known you were my true mate?”

“You like girls?”

“Not that I know of, but I would have tried for you.Unfortunately, this is part of being a Fae Omega.We don’t get the instant knowing that every other supernatural has when they meet their true mates.We just develop instant or quick connections with our true mates.It’s probably so you guys can decide if you want to be in a polyamorous relationship and back off if you don’t want to.”

Nyra’s eyes widened as she asked, surprise making her voice lively again like the gossip-loving sweetheart that she was.“Aiden is also your true mate?”

“And Mateo, Caden, and Levi ...”I added, pulling my hand away from her face.

She grabbed my hand and raised it to her lips, dropping a kiss on my thumb.“So ...if I wasn’t me but another girl who came from a ...good family and had a happy past would be ...willing to try?”

I was quiet for a moment before I opened my parched lips and said, “I would have been willing to try if ...all of this hadn’t happened.”

I tried to lock gazes with her, but she was staring at my fingers.

“Nyra need help.Your father needs help.You don’t know, but he’s plotting the death of another person.He—” Before I could say more, my injured throat rebelled, and I started coughing.

I tried to sit up, holding my hand to my mouth as I coughed out blood.

With a blank expression, Nyra got off the bed and came back a few minutes with a handkerchief and gently cleaned off the blood on my hands and mouth.

“How can I make you feel better?”That was what she asked, but I could hear behind that flat tone the real question she was trying to ask.‘How can I make your passing easier?’

I grabbed her hand with my bloody hand and used my other hand to hold her chin up.“Nyra ...I can’t die.I have too many people whose worlds would crumble if anything happened to me.You have to help me and you have to help yourself.You need help, but most importantly, your father needs help.You—”

Nyra stood up, staring down at me with an expressionless face and an icy gaze.“I know you think you’re more important than me and my father because you’re the future Luna of the Crawford Pack, but ...I and my father are also important.I won’t let my father die in a Supernatural Council jail.”

“Nyra ...”I coughed again.“That’s not what I’m trying to say.Your father ...was unable to kill the Crawford Pack’s pack observer, but he’s going to go back to the pack to kill another person, an ordinary pack enforcer who hit him with his shoulders at the supermarket, refused to apologize, and insulted him.”

“My father would never do that.He—”

“Nyra ...”I interrupted her, swallowing some saliva to wet my throat, “I’ve been in your father’s head.He is no longer just an accidental murderer, he’s going to the next level.He killed the previous pack observer for something that happened in your pack, right?But Eric Maverick, the Crawford Pack observer, is innocent.He did nothing to you or your father.He—”

“Yes, but do you know how much we suffered because of a pack observer in my former pack?!”Nyra asked, her voice raised a few decibels higher in anger.

Unfortunately, I didn’t know, but I was out of strength and I was going to tell her what I knew and let her decide what she wanted to do.“If your father kills this one innocent person, then not just pack observers, but every other person who comes across him is going to be in danger.This is not just about me or you now or pack observers, but about innocent people going about their days, just getting killed for staring at your father the wrong way or parking in his favorite spot.Can you stand by and watch him kill more and more people?”

I wanted to speak but couldn’t because a lengthy cough racked my body as I stared at Nyra’s increasingly blurry figure as darkness crept into the shadows of my sight.“Nyra ...I can get someone to help him so that if he goes to prison, he can see a psychotherapist, get better, and find some peace instead of dreaming about murder and killing all the time.My uncle is the head of the Supernatural Council.I can at least ...guarantee that you and your father will get help and mental relief.I—”

Before I could say more, Nyra grabbed my shoulders, her eyes wide and her pupils dilated as she asked, “Can they remove compulsions?It’s a powerful compulsion that seems to have distorted our memories!”

The last word I said was, “Yes,” before I lost my fight against unconsciousness.

“Fine.I can’t watch you die anyway ...”were the last words I heard before everything went dark.


