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I let out a sigh and study my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

“I’m not ugly,” I tell my doubtful-looking reflection. My ivory skin is flushed from the cold water, my high cheekbones bare of makeup. My mouth is too wide, though, and I’m not a fan of the mole above my upper lip.

But I wouldn’t call myself ugly.

“So why can’t I find me a man?” I demand of no one in particular. “Twenty-nine years, and no one has ever sexed me up. This is just insulting.”

But I doubt my reflection has any answers to offer, so I grab my cigarette box and make my way to the back alley to smoke away my troubles.

But my troubles have a way of finding me.

I’ve barely let out two puffs when I feel a crawling sensation along my arms.

I’m not alone.

I look sharply toward the alley entrance, seeing a familiar group of males standing there.

“Lost, boys?” I ask loudly, throwing my cigarette down and crushing it with the heel of my shoe.

The panther shifters bare their teeth at me, approaching me.

It’s six against one. I smile.

The odds are clearly in my favor.

“You think you scare us, warlock?” one of them spits out. “You’re a female. And we know what to do with females.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” I laugh lightly, my fingers flexing as I prepare myself for the upcoming fight. “I was worried, seeing how you’re only traveling in an all-male pack.”

They seem to catch the hint a little late, but they snarl. “We’ll put you in your place.”

I shrug. “Many have tried.”

I can see them bunching their muscles, preparing to shift and attack, and my smile slips. But before anything can happen, I see something move in my peripheral vision.

So do they, it seems.

I can’t see who it is, but a deep voice asks quietly, “Is there a problem here?”

The sound makes my blood hum strangely. I can almost feel the vibration in my body. He comes forward into the dim light from the only working lightbulb in the alley, and I suddenly feel this crawling sensation within my skin, as if something wants to burst out.

Who is this man?

Chapter 2


He’s handsome, in that rugged way some men are. His dark brown hair is rough and uncombed and looks wildly sexy. His amber eyes are pinned on the panther shifter closest to me. Under his plaid flannel shirt and jeans, I can make out a lean and muscular figure. And he’s tall.

So tall.I’ve always had a thing for tall men.

But as he steps closer, I feel my skin prickle in that familiar manner, and I realize he is Other. But I can’t seem to tell what he is yet.

“Get lost, man!” One of the panther shifters scowls. “This has got nothing to do with you.”

But the man isn’t interested in backing off. “Maybe you should leave the lady alone.”

“I just said—” the panther shifter begins, but a terrifying growl leaves the man’s throat, and I see the panther shifters almost wilt in fear. Even I can feel the waves of power rolling off the man. It makes something inside me recoil. My skin feels uncomfortable and I scratch at it, watching the panther shifters skulk away.
