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His eyes move around and he drops my hand, disgust on his face. His voice is low. "I'll deal with you later."

I scoff.

"Let's go," Norman growls, and before we can get into the cars that are waiting for us, he grabs my wrist again. "You're with me."

I snatch my hand back, lifting a brow. "I have to discuss the acquisition details with Tom. You're welcome to join us. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two."

Norman's got perhaps two brain cells that he can rub together at a time, but even he knows what will happen to him if he acts like a brute towards me in public. The pack seems to be under the impression that I'm an important member of the Moore family. Questions will be raised, and Jonathon may not be able to answer them without implicating his own family.

He just shoots me a nasty look and drops my wrist.

As Tom follows me to the black car waiting for us, he asks, "Are you okay?"

I rub my wrist absentmindedly. "Nothing I can't handle. Let's discuss the acquisition details in the car. How much are we willing to offer?"

The entire ride, Tom is sharing the details as I keep fine-tuning them.

However, when we reach the company headquarters, I look up at the glass building and stare in awe. There is no doubt in my mind about how successful Adam Moore is. But clearly, he likes to flaunt his wealth, as well.

I have few memories of Adam, and since there are no pictures of him in the family home anymore, I don't remember his face. It's not surprising because, until my teens, I was severely traumatized. We barely crossed paths. The only memory I have of him is one that makes me tremble in anger. That was the first day I understood what hate truly was.

I stare up at the building.

I'm not looking forward to seeing Adam again. I doubt he remembers me, though, or cares.

Norman chooses to barge into the lobby, demanding loudly, "Where is Adam?"

I close my eyes briefly, horrified.

This man is going to cost me my freedom!

"Hi." I approach the receptionist. "We're here from KDL Foods. We have a meeting with Mr. Moore."

The receptionist nods. "Please wait."

As she picks up the receiver to check, Norman scowls. "Just tell Adam we're here. I don't like waiting."

"I'm sorry, sir," the receptionist says politely, "but I can't let you through until I have confirmation from above."

"Listen, you little bitch––" Norman begins and my eyes widen in horror.

"Norman!" I hiss. "Watch it!"

He shoves me back, and I go tumbling into Tom, who catches me before I can fall onto the ground.

Uncaring, Norman sneers, "This company's going to be mine, anyway! Let me in, or you'll be the first to lose your job!"

There is an unfriendly look in the woman's eyes now, and she says, tightly, "Do I need to call security?"

"No, you don't." I try to salvage the situation. "Please let Mr. Moore know we are here for the acquisition talks. This is his brother, Norman Moore."

The woman gives me an equally disgusted look and makes the call.

"There's a Norman Moore here to see you, with his team. He claims to be Mr. Moore's brother and says he's here for acquisition talks."

After a moment, she nods. "I see. Okay. I'll let them know."

She puts down the receiver, looks at Norman with great relish, and says, "Mr. Moore is busy today. He won't be seeing you. Please make another appointment and try to be on time."
