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"Sure, that's one way to put it." Robert grins, darkly amused.

“Do you think people try to kill themselves to get out of a blood debt? Or try to stop their heart?”

I watch him take a sip from his drink, and he murmurs, “I wouldn’t say it’s a smart decision, but maybe. Fewer and fewer cases have been registered of blood debts over the last few decades. But trying to stop your heart would be a dangerous thing to do.”

My voice is soft. “One must be desperate to escape that bond then.”

He glances at me, but before he can say anything, we hear a slight commotion from inside. We quickly make our way inside the ballroom.

"Isn't that your Alpha?" Robert asks as I watch Jonathon get on a podium at the other end of the massive room.

"Yeah," I mutter. "What is he doing?"

"Ladies and gentlemen," Jonathon begins, "this year's Gala will be marked by an important announcement. This year, I have decided to announce the next future leader of this pack, the next Alpha to whom I will pass the torch. My younger son, Norman Moore!"

I stare at the scene unfolding before me, slack-jawed.

Has Jonathon finally lost his mind?

There's a hush that falls over the ballroom, not a single person showing enthusiasm over his declaration. Finally, it's Watson who speaks up, "This is unacceptable, Jonathon. Adam is already the next Alpha-in-training. He's the next in line. The oldest son inherits the position. That's how it's done."

"Well, just because things were done a certain way years ago," Jonathon argues, "doesn't mean we have to keep doing them the same way for the rest of time. As your current Alpha, I feel that Norman is better suited for this position than the previous successor."

"Norman?" Another official speaks up in disgust. "You do realize your son is violent, Jonathon? He's been caught abusing pack females several times. In fact, it's always been one female in particular."

Without thinking, I grab Robert's arm, feeling sick to the stomach. "I want to get out of here."

He doesn't stop and ask, he simply helps me to the entrance of the ballroom.

I can hear the dissent forming amongst the people. Norman has built a reputation for himself, and Jonathon will rip mine to shreds to elevate his son. I can hear my name on his tongue as he says something, and I move faster.

"Surely you're not going to blame a pack female for the abuse your son has doled out on her, Father?" Adam's voice has me going still and looking over. His expression is dark as he meets Jonathon's furious gaze. "Are you trying to send this pack back to medieval times where any domestic violence inside a family is blamed on the woman? I have seen video evidence of Norman attacking your own assistant while she was recovering in the infirmary. In fact, we were both there when I rescued her. My younger brother is violent and unstable, and I cannot allow such a person to stand at the helm of this pack!"

"What video footage?" Jonathon raises a bow, and I know. I know he's made sure all footage of Norman kicking me and beating me has been dealt with. "If you can find any, I'd be glad to reverse my decision."

"I'm sorry, Jonathon," Watson says severely, "but while you can certainly nominate your successor, the decision is ultimately the pack's. We have all seen Adam's efforts and work, but Norman has nothing to show."

"Then you can put the two to a test." Jonathon doesn't look perturbed, and I don't like this. "The slums project has been in the works for years. Nobody has ever managed to do anything about the lower part of the city where our community is dwelling rather poorly. Efforts have been made to bring a change, butnothing has been successful. Let the two of them come up with and implement a strategy. This will put every skill these two have to use, and it will help us decide who is the rightful Alpha."

Murmurs pick up in the ballroom, and my fingers dig into Robert's arm as I realize that the pack officials are actually considering this.

"I think it's acceptable," one of them finally says.

"I agree."


The voices of the officials echo in the ballroom, and I release Robert, stumbling out of the room, my breathing harsh.

What is he doing? If Norman wins the approval of the pack officials, then he doesn't need to acquire Adam's company.

And for Jonathon to be so confident when it comes to his younger son, something is definitely up.

Before I can so much as form my second thought, something heavy comes smashing down on the back of my head, and as I fall unconscious, the last thing I remember is Norman's voice, laughing.


