Page 27 of Shadows of the Past

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With every thrust, he buried himself deeper, feeling her walls squeeze around him like velvet gloves made just for him. Their hips ground against each other as he continued to increase the pace, matching the rhythm of their heavy breathing.

The sound of flesh smacking against flesh filled the room, accompanied by soft moans and gasps as they lost themselves in each other's touch. Derek's hands found her hips, guiding their movements together in perfect harmony.

His cock plunged deeper inside. With every thrust, he felt as if he were claiming her in a primal way. Iris ran her fingers through his hair, urging him on as he took control of their union.

He stroked her clit, relishing in the way she moaned. Their bodies moved in sync, creating a mesmerizing dance.

She gripped his shoulders tightly as he picked up the pace, pounding into her with fervor. His tongue flicked over a sensitive spot on her neck just right. In response, she ground herself against him with each thrust until they both reached their peak at the same time.

She cried out his name as waves of ecstasy washed over her … her body tensing around him. He growled low in his throat before emptying himself inside of her with a loud groan. It felt like they were dancing in a primal ritual, two beings lost in each other's magical embrace.



Morning sunlight streamed in the wide windows, illuminating the gracious open floor plan of the alpha quarter’s kitchen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with herbal teas as Iris wandered in, footsteps muted across the polished slate tile floors.

At her entrance, Derek looked up with a welcoming smile from where he was preparing omelets at the expansive granite central island. He beckoned her to join him.

Iris blinked sleepily, accepting the mug of rich cacao-flavored tea Derek handed her. Yawning into the fragrant steam, she watched him artfully flip an omelet as he chattered amicably about pack updates he wanted to share later.

Reining back her wandering thoughts, Iris forced herself to focus on the sensorial delights of this quiet interlude … warm sunbeams dancing off the polished counter as Derek slid her a plate, the nutty scent of fresh melons paired with fluffy egg and greens perfectly seasoned, rich tea amplifying flavors with every slow sip. She had never been gifted dawn's treasures so graciously before.

Halfway through their meal, Derek cleared his throat, meeting her gaze. "I know everything has been such a whirlwindrush since we realized our bond. But I don't want you to feel I'm making unilateral decisions for the pack's safety without your input."

Iris tilted her head curiously as she swallowed a berry. Derek took her hand, expression serious. "Which is why I want you to attend the strategy meeting with my enforcers and advisors today. It's crucial that we get your perspective on fortifying against this threat from Cyrus."

When Derek referenced attending the strategy meeting, Iris stiffened. "Today? I don’t know anything about fending off a rogue attack.”

Derek shook his head as if to dismiss her fears. "As my Luna, your priority must be our pack." He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You underestimate the respect your actions during that first attack have already earned. The pack welcomes the fierceness and care that you uniquely embody."

Bolstered, Iris squeezed back gratefully before spearing another fruit cube. Still, as breakfast continued, she wondered whether Derek was a bit too confident in what she would have to offer. The subject seemed beyond her.

She dressed quickly and put her hair into a ponytail before meeting him downstairs. He offered his hand, which she accepted gratefully, concentrating on appearing composed. Derek tucked her arm around his and escorted her to the meeting room, smiling.

"Allow me the honor of properly introducing my Luna before we begin."

“Of course, sir,” she said placatingly.

He led her toward a gathered crowd of pack elders, enforcers, and advisers. She had met them through various pack activities by this point, but some of them he introduced by offering their title or position in the pack for the first time. She made a mentalnote of each, realizing she’d have to study up a bit more on the dynamics of this particular pack to be an effective Luna.

She nodded as he gave each person’s role. Then his Beta, Mason, strode forward to politely interrupt the chatter.

"Ready when you both are." He jerked his head invitingly toward the long conference table.

Already, Iris was feeling a lot better about this. She was worried about the position being more ornamental, but she was respected at every step of the way.

Once she had a seat at the head of the table next to the Alpha of the pack, she couldn’t help but notice how gracious and reserved everyone was. Even despite the tension caused by the subject matter, there was nothing but respect shown between pack members.

If this was my last pack, I would be sitting with the children. If I was even allowed to enter the house.

After everyone had been seated, they focused the discussion on the current threat … Cyrus.

Soon, the discussion turned fiercely strategic, analyzing recent attacks by Cyrus's rogue alliance. Iris listened intently, chiming in occasionally with insightful questions that had Derek's advisers nodding approvingly.

"We need to take away more of that snake's power base." The Beta slammed a fist on the table. "I say we take the fight straight to his lair this time."

The strategy debate raged on when a tremendous crash from the foyer froze all voices. Iris sprinted out the door before she even knew what had happened, panic propelling her. The coppery scent of blood hit her sensitive shifter nose seconds later.
