Page 64 of Doc (Burnout 5)

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Izzy stood up, Mossberg in one hand, and hugged the thoughtful man in front of her. “It’s beautiful!” she told him. “I love it!”

Caleb wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. “I knew you would,” he whispered in her ear.

Izzy returned the gun to Shooter, who locked it back up in his safe until they were ready to leave. As she plucked crumpled pieces of wrapping paper off the floor, Abby cried, “It’s snowing!” and flung the door open. She stepped out onto the front porch. Izzy’s understanding was that the redhead hadn’t seen much of the white shroud growing up in Vegas. She scooped some off the porch railing and watched it melt in her hand. Izzy had seen plenty of the stuff in her lifetime, but the view from her old, dingy Denver apartment couldn’t compare to this one. High up on the hill, surrounded by trees and looking out over the city, the silence here was surprisingly addictive.

Easy and Daisy tumbled down the steps and flung fistfuls of snow at each other. They both looked almost like teenagers.

Izzy felt a pair of large, strong arms around her and she leaned back into Caleb’s substantial frame. She sighed contentedly. “Let’s build a house out here,” she said.

Caleb nuzzled her ear. “Okay,” he agreed. “We’ll have to catch a few more skips though. If we go after some big money targets, we could have enough saved to break ground in the spring.”

Izzy tensed against him. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah. It’s beautiful out here. I mean we’ll get our own hill, of course. But, yeah, I think it’s a good idea.”

Izzy laced her fingers through his and smiled. Caleb ducked his head until his lips brushed her ear. “I love you,” he whispered.

She closed her eyes and squeezed his hand. “I know,” she replied.

Sarah appeared at the doorway and called them all into the house again. The men set the table while the women carried the food in from the kitchen. Hawk trailed after Tildy who was holding a large bowl of mashed potatoes.

“Let me have it,” he insisted.

“I’m already halfway there,” Tildy argued.

“But I don’t like it,” he growled.

Tildy rolled her eyes and set down the bowl. She turned and took both of Hawk’s giant hands and put them on her belly. “I’m fine. She’s fine. We’re fine.” Hawk didn’t look entirely convinced. Tildy stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips. Izzy was still fascinated that the young woman could subdue him with just a look or the touch of her lips. Hawk’s eyes closed and his large arms slid around her waist.

“No tongue at the dinner table,” Shooter ordered.

Hawk ignored his lieutenant. It was several more moments before they both finally sat down. Tildy looked flushed and fanned herself with her napkin. Izzy suppressed a grin. She could relate.

At the Sullivans’ large dining room table, they passed around a bottle of red and sparkling water for Tildy until all the glasses were full. Shooter raised his first and everyone else followed suit. When all their glasses were raised, Chris Sullivan’s gaze passed over each of their faces, even Izzy’s. “To family,” he said.

“To family.”

