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Harif studied Nevahn. “There have been no human mages for a thousand years. Even before that, there has never been a Storm Weaver with human blood. He is no mere human. The Warlord believes he can withstand it.”

“I will not risk his life on a whim,” Cian said firmly.

Harif shrugged. “Then you will have no gargoyle army. This is the demanded price.”

“Let me undertake it in his place,” I offered, falling to my knees. We badly needed their support, but I couldn’t ask Nevahn to take such a risk. Not when I would do it gladly.

The gargoyle shook his head.

“Why him?” I demanded.

“Because your lineages and powers are known,” Harif said. “His are questionable. You are asking my people to fight behind him. His loyalties and strength must be proven.”

“I’ll do it,” Nevahn said, and my heart sank.

“No, you won’t,” Cian snapped back.

“It’s not your decision to make. It’smychoice, Cian.”

“Nevahn…” Cian put a hand on his shoulder. “You don’t know what you’re agreeing to. This rite will put you into a dream state and force you to face your worst fears. If you fail, you will die. I am begging you, do not do this.”

“I’ve already faced my fears many times over.”

I closed my eyes, listening to them argue. “He’s right, Cian.”

The yurt went silent. I turned on my knees, taking Nevahn’s hands in mine. “I know you’re strong enough to do this.”

Even as I said it, doubt tugged at my heart. I wanted to believe it was true, but I also didn’t want to lose him. What choice did we have? If Nevahn didn’t do this, Ezulari would fall, and Jaida would follow. The vision Ren had shown me would come to pass. All the things I had seen him do, the terrible things he had endured to come this far… It wasn’t fair to ask more of him, but there were no better options.

Nevahn leaned in to kiss Cian’s jaw. “Let me do this for you. Forus.”

Cian gave me a worried look. I put a hand on his thigh and nodded. Cian sighed and lowered his head, relenting silently.

Harif gripped his bowl, unfolded his legs, and stood. “You have until dusk tomorrow to decide. The purification takes two days and would begin the following dawn. Plan accordingly.” He bowed and left.

We didn’t talk about it after that. Enough focus had been given to all the things that might go wrong. Nevahn insisted we eat, fussing over Cian the whole time. Somewhere out in the gargoyle village, a drum circle started, the rhythm steady and hypnotic, made for dance. The sound reminded me of home. There, the drumming would often go late into the night, a heartbeat lulling me toward sleep, but sleep wasn’t what I craved.

I climbed up onto the bed, tugging Nevahn with me. With one arm wrapped around his shoulders, I pulled him into a searing kiss. He let out a needy groan as my hand slipped down into his pants, making it clear what I was after.

“You’re hurt,” he mumbled.

“The healer said I was fine,” I reminded him.

Goddex, the little whine he let out, the pleading look he gave Cian, as if he were asking for permission… How was I ever supposed to resist?

“Personally, I believe a hard-earned victory deserves a reward, don’t you, Lord Cian?” I lifted an eyebrow at Cian, practically daring him to stop me.

I knew I’d won when Cian tipped Nevahn’s face up and gave him a kiss of his own. Nevahn’s hard cock twitched in my hand as Cian held him in place, thoroughly claiming his mouth. It felt like years since I’d gotten to taste him, and that was suddenly all I wanted. I pushed up Nevahn’s tunic and ran my fingers over his body. His stomach muscles flexed beneath my lips, practically begging to be licked and kissed. I obliged, drawing little pleasured moans out of him. He gasped when my tongue found his nipple and I took my time there, teasing it into a hard bud with my tongue. He’d look adorable with a piercing there, and I had a feeling he would enjoy the sensation as much as I’d enjoy exploiting it.

Cian tugged his pants down and started to stroke himself. I pulled my lips away from Nevahn to tease the head of Cian’s cock for a moment, earning a growl from him. I laughed at his frustration and turned my attention to freeing Nevahn’s cock. He was much more appreciative of my efforts, thrusting against my tongue when I offered it, but he whined miserably when I turned away to lick a heavy drop of pre-cum from Cian’s tip. They needed this as badly as I did.

Nevahn breathed out a curse as I started to suck them in earnest, alternating between him and Cian. Cian yanked Nevahn’s lips to his and bit down, prompting a whole-body shudder from Nevahn.

Outside, the drums sped their pace, and so did we. I brought them as close as I dared with my lips, tongue, and hands, their combined sighs of pleasure a music all its own. It was sweet, delicious torture to watch them so lost in it while I denied myself what I needed. My body throbbed for attention, every nerve ending desperately craving it. When I couldn’t stand it anymore, I prowled up the length of Nevhan’s body, stealing his kisses for myself. Cian’s fingers tightened in my hair, and he yanked me away from Nevahn to kiss me himself while he turned Nevahn on his side. I thrust my tongue into Cian’s mouth, teasing, and almost lost control when he nipped at it.

The position Cian had moved us into left Nevahn’s cock tantalizingly close to mine. I gripped his length and shifted against him, stroking both of us at once in my fist, a move I couldn’t do with Cian. He was too big and unwieldy, but Nevahn was perfect, just a little larger than me, and enticingly smooth.

Calloused fingers gripped my shoulder gingerly, panting. I slipped my tail over Nevahn’s hips and wrapped it around the base of Cian’s length, stroking firmly as Cian thrust between the soft mounds of Nevahn’s ass and against his lower back.
