Page 32 of White Noise

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“I do my best work naked. Have you not watched my show?”

Matt rolled his eyes. “I have some work to do, but feel free to strip off and throw out lines. Any time.Mi casa, su casaand all that.”

I smiled, suddenly self-conscious. “Sorry about the naked thing. I don’t always think.”

“Conny, it’s fine, really.”


“I think we should make it a new rule. Being naked. You should be naked too.”



I shoved another load of food in my mouth.Shut up, Con. Shut the fuck up!

He’d just called me Conny, and it was ridiculous how much I liked that.

Matt snorted, and for a moment I thought he’d choked on his food, but no. He was laughing, hard, tears rolling down his cheeks.

“Nope,” he croaked out. “Not happening.”


Itshouldhavebeendriving me crazy, having him here. I liked my own space. He should have been getting on my nerves, but then…


Con Telford had totally inserted himself into my world.

It would never be the same again!

Last night, I’d gone to the gym on my own, as usual, come home and tried to watch TV, which I couldn’t because his gym bag was on the floor, his clothes were flung over my sofa, and my once-immaculate apartment smelled weird. Wherever I tried to find the right headspace to relax, he would somehow be there despite not being anywhere near where I was beforehand.

His toothbrush stood next to mine on the shelf by the sink.

My happily single life was over. Ruined forever.

It was hard to get those thoughts straight in my head because this could only go one of two ways. Either he’d get bored and stop turning up, breaking my heart into a million pieces. Or he’d stay here forever and my life would turn into some kind of irreversible, Con-Telford-infused chaos.

He’d told me he was going to a big event in central London and would probably not be back until late, so he’d stay at the hotel, let me have a break from his overbearing presence. His words, not mine.

I didn’t find him overbearing. In fact, I spent the evening moping around the flat and missing him like the obviously crazy person I was. It was ridiculous.

I’d managed to do some work, then caught up on my family WhatsApp chat. My sister teased me about having met someone since I was ‘unusually quiet’. My brother told her to shut up. My parents were full of questions, which was normal. I never talked about my private life, yet they still asked ALL the questions. Questions I had no answers to.

I didn’t want to talk about Con. What we had was too fragile, too…splintered. There was nothing I could say to explain what had happened in my life over the past couple of weeks. Why there was this bloke turning up at my flat every night like he lived there, his dirty underpants meshing with mine in my laundry basket.

I’d put a wash on yesterday morning before I left for work and come home to find all our clothes neatly hung on the drying rack, his socks and mine side by side. He’d made the bed up, fluffed the pillows, even folded my TV blanket into a neat square, just the way I liked it, but it worked for both of us.


Were we anusnow?

I liked my flat to be a certain way, and he made it look different, in a good way, but my head was such a mess I could barely function. I seemed to do an awful lot of silent screaming these days.
