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I decidedto give myself a few days off from the seduction plan. Mostly, because I was still hurt.

Sebastian texted me a picture of the bag of chocolates in his trash bin shortly after our conversation, but I ignored it.

A picture of his receipt of cancellation with Sweet Dreams came an hour after that. I ignored it too.

Soon after that, a massive order under his name came through my shop’s online portal. Instead of confirming it, I hit the cancel button.

He tried again.

I cancelled again, then texted Miles and Tatum to do the same if he tried with any of the other shops.

The girls had my backs.

I felt guilty for not telling them about the potential mate thing, the seduction plan, or the plan to get myself turned into a vampire, but I still didn’t know if they’d understand. When I’dhad a little more time to grow more confident about everything that had happened, I’d tell them.

Sebastian tried five more times to put an order in with my shop that day, two of them while I was putting my stuff away after the moving company delivered my boxes.

I cancelled all of the orders.

Was it petty and passive aggressive?

Hell yes.

Did I feel bad?

No, I did not.

That bastard had given thousands of dollars to my biggest competitor in his effort to avoid me. He could suffer for a while.

The next morning, I smelled him making breakfast, and stayed in bed.

When he knocked on the door with the food, I told him I wasn’t hungry.

I ordered myself an early lunch so he couldn’t try the same thing again.

Bash was working on the couch nearest to the kitchen and front door when I went downstairs to pick it up, so I simply met his eyes for a moment, dipped my head in the smallest of nods, and went back upstairs.

He beat me to dinner, so I wasn’t hungry again, even though my stomach growled fiercely.

He was still working on the couch when I went downstairs a few hours later. His eyes were narrowed as I grabbed leftovers from the fridge and took them back to my room.

That night, he knocked on my door and insisted on checking my wound. Knowing that wasn’t a battle worth fighting, I stepped out of the space I’d claimed, and let him change my bandage in silence.

A few more days passed.

I cancelled more orders.

His eyes narrowed further with every day, and dark circles appeared beneath his eyes.

Though a little guilt began creeping in as time passed, I held firm to my grudge.

The bastard hadn’t even apologized.

Repeatedly trying to order a shitload of candy from my store didn’t erase what he’d done, or make anything right.

Eventually, I’d restart the seduction plan.

…Assuming I decided to let go of my grudge against him at some point.
