Page 11 of Bratva Prince

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There is a chorus of affirmatives. “Yes.”

Taking the meal upstairs, I have my guard open the door and find Katya sitting on the edge of the bed, biting her bottom lip. “You’re back.” Fuck, that melts the icy shroud just a bit.

“I thought we could have food together.”

“That would be nice. I never eat with anyone except my brother and father. Well, it only happens once in a while. I shouldn’t say anything.” Panic strikes her entire body, and then I remember the bitch whooping her ass inside the cottage. “Please don’t say anything to him. I don’t want to get in trouble.”

I cross over to her and set the food down on the table for the times I do have a meal in my room. “Don’t worry about him. I’m not letting him harm you just because you were clearly neglected.”

“You’re so kind to me.” Tears fall from her eyes, forcing me to pick her up in my arms and sit her on my lap.

“I didn’t mean to cry,” she sobs in my arms. “It’s been a long day.”

I brush the loose strands from her face. “Let’s get you fed and in bed.”

“Is this your room?” Her eyes are asking more than one question.

“It is.”

“Where are you going to sleep?” Buried between your thighs.

“Right beside you. I promised to protect you from my enemies.” I take her hand and lead her over to the table and farther away from the bed so I don’t lose my fucking mind. She has no idea what her beauty and sweet nature are doing to me, let alone the fact that I can almost see through that old gown.

“Okay.” We eat quietly while I do my best to control the multitude of thoughts racing through my head. In an effort to find a distraction, I turn my attention to the television, and I realize how low the volume is, so I grab the remote and turn it up.

“Oh, that’s fine. You didn’t need to turn it up.” She blushes like it took any effort for me to raise the volume.

Her fear of being a burden grates my nerves, and I let my temper slip. “Not everything is a chore, Katya.” I’m not mad at her but at her situation.

“It’s not that. I don’t speak Russian.” I stare at her like a fool, mouth hanging open. How is a woman who has been trapped in the heart of the forest in the middle of Russia not speaking the language?

“I know. I’m Russian, and I can’t speak it or read it.” She sets her fork down on the plate, frustration pouring off her.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry. You’ve been wonderful, and I’m here acting like a baby because my normally secluded life isn’t what everyone would expect.”

“Don’t be upset. We can get you a tutor.” It’s a promise I can easily keep.

She finishes her bite and tilts her head. “How long am I going to be here?”

The thought of letting her go is unfathomable, and it won’t happen. “Until the threat has passed.”

“Do you think it would take a long time?” Forever.

“I can’t say. All I know is that you’ve had enough negative thoughts. Finish up and let’s get you to sleep.”

“You’re not going to join me.” Anger hits me right in the chest. She’s naïve as fuck, and there have been guards around her all the time.

“What do you know of men?” I ask, stabbing my fork into the dish a little more violently than necessary. The thought of them putting their filthy hands on her soft, tender skin sends me into a murderous rage.

“Only what I’ve read in those books and the warnings my father and Olga gave me.” I can’t have this conversation right here, so I pick her up from the chair and carry her into the bathroom.

I grip her face, holding it in my rough hands. “Do your father’s other men come into your room and sleep in your bed?”

Her eyes widened, and her mouth gaped in shock. “Heavens no. They’re not allowed to be in the house for more than a moment if they need to relieve themselves in the downstairs bathroom.”

“That’s smart of them because Princess, I’ve decided that you can’t go back. You’re mine.” My mouth lands on her, and her unpracticed lips freeze for just a moment until she melts against me. “Open your mouth.” I take my tongue and slide it along hers, causing the sexiest moan to escape her.
