Page 8 of Bratva Prince

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“Vlad has been killed, which means you’re in danger.” A gasp escapes my lips, but not for my brother. The threat is real, and that means someone could actually come after me. Although I can’t see why.

“He’s dead?” I question, pretending to care as I choke out my reply. My brother if I can call him that was worse than my father because he made his hatred for me clear as day.

He snarls and huffs before answering. “Yes, are you deaf, girl? I want you to take care to stay inside and keep all the doors locked until my team can get you out of the house safely.” What would I do without such a lovely family? I’m not allowed to go outside, anyway. The garden is almost completely sheltered from the woods and a large walled enclosure.

“Your team? How will I know who they are?” It’s not like I have a good relationship with these people.

“They have a code word. Aurora.” I smile because it makes me feel like at least he understands me.

“Aurora. Okay,” I repeat. Then I look to his trollop who is standing with her hand on her hip waiting for me to finish talking to my father. “What about your witch that’s here?”

“She should have left already. Put her on the phone.” He doesn’t correct me this time which means things have gotten crazy in the real world.

“Cow, my father wants to talk to you.” I pass the outdated phone to her.

“Yes, Sir. Yes. Roman Semyonov. Okay. I’m departing now. I’ll warn the guards to be on the lookout.”

“Be gone, witch. I have to prepare to leave.” I grin and wave her off.

“One of these days, you’re going to pay for that mouth of yours.”

“You get paid with that mouth of yours. Now, since I actually have a threat coming after me, and you’re going to be useless, please leave before I get the urge to practice my self-defense on you.” I grab the kitchen knife and point it.

She eyes me with the dirtiest look before leaving and locking the door behind her. For a brief moment I feel a rush of power I’ve never had before. Smiling, I peak through the curtains and watch her pull away. Olga doesn’t get more than the drive when her blue car explodes. I fall back in shock, letting out as I hit the floor and the knife sliding under the table.

“Oh my God,” I cry out, crawling off the floor in a hurry.

I rush upstairs to my bedroom and grab my things, slipping on my best shoes and head back downstairs just as the door bursts open. I’m stunned in place at the sight of a hulking man in a dark suit with two men behind him. His eyes meet mine and I see the darkness in the light blues. I’m staring at the most handsome and dangerous man I ever saw. The deadly look in his eyes both scares and arouses me.

“Thank goodness, I thought we were too late, Princess Katya.” He dusts off the snow on the top of his shoulders and steps over the busted door.

“Who are you?” He’s got to be a giant, and his face is bare of facial hair, but I can see the dark shadow starting to fill in. His looks have me captivated that I almost miss what he says.

“Your father sent me in to move you to a safe location. We just saw your nanny’s car explode as we pulled up.”

“What’s the code word?” I ask with my hands on my waist, holding the knife at my side.

He stalks closer to the steps unafraid of the blade in my hand. With a cool confidence he says, “Aurora.” The way it rolls off his tongue, I want to rush into his arms.

“That’s right.” My voice is just a whisper as I continue to stare. Another man appears from behind him and whispers something.

“Now, let’s hurry before the man who came to kill you appears to get the job done.” My eyes move to the open doorway and the fire burning outside.

Panic sets in when after all the years of threats and warnings my father drilled into my head is finally real. “Why would anyone want to kill me? I thought no one knew about me.”

“Some secrets can’t be kept hidden.” He steps forward and takes the knife from my hands, and I gasp. Everyone is so much quicker and tougher than me.

“Hey, that’s for my protection.”

He scoffs, tossing it into the sink. “You could cut yourself. Where is your coat?”

I pull it out of the closet. “This is the only one I have.” Sliding it on, I forgot the zipper doesn’t work anymore, and it doesn’t matter because I can’t close it, anyway. It’s nice, but it’s clearly old and doesn’t quite fit my adult body anymore.

His eyes move to the middle of my chest where my hand attempts to hold the coat closed. My shape has changed as my breast grew, but they don’t care because I don’t leave except go to the back garden. I’m reminded of my food on the stove.

“My soup,” I exclaim. One of the men with him goes to the pot and lifts the lid, breathing in my food.

“It smells incredible.” It brings a grin to my face.
