Page 20 of Ruthless Prince

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“Where are you going?” I ask, sliding the cool sheets against my bare chest, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed and naïve. This isn’t how I expected the aftermath of losing my virginity to be. He was supposed to stay by my side and worship me until we both couldn’t see straight and I couldn’t move. Instead, he’s eager to leave me.

“I have matters to deal with,” he says as if it’s the final answer I’ll get from him. He comes back to the bed, kneeling on the mattress before he brushes his lips to my forehead. “Rest. I will be back soon.”

He leaves me, and as soon as I hear the elevator close, I get up and use the bathroom. When I come out, I look around the bedroom, seeing a photo of me and him from my sweet sixteen on his nightstand that I hadn’t noticed earlier. Smiling, I give it a kiss and then lie back down and take a nap.

I wake up and find out that I must have been exhausted because I slept almost four hours. Getting up, I slide on my panties and toss on one of his tee shirts. Thirsty, I pour myself a glass of water and admire his kitchen, which looks a lot like mymom’s kitchen and reminds me of the time I begged him to kiss me. I miss Ilya.

When is he coming back? Then I remember my phone is tucked into the pocket of my dress. What if Ilya called me? I rush back into the bedroom and look for my clothes. Pulling it out, I turn it on and find a bunch of messages from my father, but none from Ilya. The last message is from my brother, and it sends me into a terrible place.

I play Junior’s message back.“Natalya, don’t fall for his lies. I found out why he wasn’t there for your birthday. He was shot while at a strip club by one of the whores that was blowing him. He was getting his dick sucked off on your birthday and got caught with his pants down.”

I try to call my brother back, but he doesn’t answer.

Tears fall down my face. I need to get out of here before he comes back, but I don’t know how much time I have. Quickly, I throw off his shirt, hating that just moments earlier I needed to be so close to him. His betrayal feels so unbelievably gut-wrenching the more I consider it.

Slipping on my clothes, I look around the apartment and find a piece of paper. I leave a note and set down the ring I only had the pleasure of wearing for just a few hours. There are only so many times that this man can break my heart. This is the final straw. There is no way to fix a shattered vessel.

My parents will understand when I return to their side. They love me unconditionally; this I am sure of. It may take time, but they’ll help me make a life without Ilya and away from all things to do with our Russian side. I can’t even imagine seeing him again or anyone who knows him.

Maybe my mother was right. I’m too young to understand relationships, and I need to date more before I find love. Ilya isn’t the man I thought he was. My legs feel heavy as I move toward the exit, but my mind has been made up. There is no forgiving it.

Sneaking out onto the elevator, I take it down to the lobby, which is filled with several men in dark suits. Thankfully, none of them is Ilya. “Hey, you can’t leave.”

“Try to stop me and you’ll be sorry.” One tries to block the exit, but I kick the bastard in the balls. He crumbles to his knees, and although I should feel bad, right now is not the time. Looking down at him, I say, “You have your boss to thank for that.”

Stepping around him, I walk right out the front door.

I send a message to my parents, hoping they can find me because I don’t have any idea where I am.

I left Ilya. Please come and get me. I’m lost and have no idea where I am. I’ll try to find somewhere to lay low.

Still, I leave my phone on and duck into one alleyway and then another. I don’t know how long I will move about, but I don’t want to be noticed by anyone related to the Semyonov family so that there’s no danger to me.

My phone buzzes in my pocket with a message.

Stay put. I’m on my way.

Still, I decide to take a couple more turns. That’s when I get an eerie feeling. It’s a big mistake because in the next alley, there is a vehicle there waiting for me.

Suddenly a door swings open and a man comes for me, but I don’t recognize him. “Ah, just the woman I’m looking for. You better be worth all the trouble you put me through, Amore. I will enjoy you many times before I return a piece to your father and then another piece to your lover.” He’s not Russian. I think he’s Italian, but it doesn’t make a difference because I’m full of fear.

I scream and run. I’m almost to the corner and onto the sidewalk when another vehicle comes up and the door flies open, and this time I’m grabbed roughly and thrown into the back with several men as the vehicle speeds off.

Chapter Nine


My phone had been ringing off the hook while I was between Natalya’s legs, worshiping my future. As much as I didn’t want to leave her, I couldn’t let the problem go unanswered.

Her father won’t just let this go, and I don’t want a war with the family I truly love. His betrayal came out of nowhere, and I can’t understand why he’d let her move on when he knew I was in the midst of recovering and finding Fratelli. We had an understanding when it came to Natalya and he just stepped right over me. The more I think about it the angrier I become.

First, I must speak with my father before I do something crazy, like go to war with my godfather. It’s the last thing I want to do, and yet the first thing that comes to mind.

As I prepared to leave, I remembered the last conversation Drago and I had about Natalya.

“It’s not safe for Natalya with Fratelli roaming around.”

“You have to deal with Fratelli sooner rather than later. Natalya and your future depends on it.”
