Page 22 of Ruthless Prince

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“I’d have it tomorrow if I knew it was secure. Her safety is my priority.”

“It can be done, but I’m sure your mother and hers wouldn’t be pleased with a small wedding.” I let out a chuckle and grin. It’s the first time I’ve smiled since I left Natalya. Our mothers would skin me alive for rushing it.

“They better do it soon because I will not stop until she’s carrying my sons.”

“That’s my boy.” He winks and then stands up.

He chuckles and shakes his head before giving me a hug. “Careful—she has a lot of Rosalyn in her, and she’ll give you shit.”

“It’s okay. I learned from her father, so it’s his fault that I stole her in the first place.” I chuckle, having learned how my godfather got my godmother.

My father’s eyes fly open in shock that I dared to bring that up. “Don’t tell him that.” My father pours himself a drink.

“Contrary to my actions, I don’t have a death wish,” I say with a chuckle before leaving my father’s office in a hurry.

I don’t even bother greeting anyone else because I have to get back to my woman before it gets too late. It’s still light out, but it won’t be for very long. We board the plane and take off when my phone rings. It’s my guards.

“She fled, Mr. Semyonov.”

“What the fuck do you mean, she fled?” I bark out, rage, confusion, and pain striking me all at once. I shout toward the cockpit, “Fly faster.” We have a private airport for a reason. I don’t need anyone’s permission to land as long as the airspace is clear, and it sure as fuck better be.

“She left after kicking Daniel in the balls.” Why the fuck did she do that? I don’t ask because my mind is reeling about the fact she’s not in the condo where she’s safe from danger, from Fratelli. Fucking Fratelli. In the back of my mind, I know he’s behind this. That has to be the reason because she had no problem leaving her parents for me. Nothing would cause her to run away like that except him.

“And you let her leave,” I snap, clenching my phone to the point I hear it crack, but rationality kicks in and I remember I need it.

“You said not to touch her.”

Damn it. I did, but I never imagined she’d leave me after what we shared.

“Find her.” I end the call, pacing the plane while I try to figure out my next steps.

It’s everything she’s wanted for the past several years, so why the hell would she leave? Where is she? I’m grateful that I was the one with access to track her phone, so that’s what I do.

She’s moving fast out of Omsk. Who is she with? Please tell me her asshole father got her.

A call comes in a second later, and it’s Drago. “Where is she?” he asks me.

“Why the fuck would I tell you? So you could take her away from me?” I ask without any restraint left in me because he doesn’t have her.

“You made my daughter run. Why would she flee from you and be ready to come back to us so soon? I trusted her with you.” My mouth falls open from the sheer audacity.

“You trusted her with me? Don’t talk about trust. You betrayed me and let Anatoly think he had a chance at her, and if he hadn’t called me, then he’d have tried to seduce her,” I bark out, hating the man I had spent all my life respecting as much as my own father.

“None of that matters. She’s lost in a foreign city with God knows what kind of predators after her. Where is my daughter?” he says. He’s right. All that matters is getting my love back.

“You’re right. I’m tracking her now. She’s headed toward one of my safe houses. Hold on, I have a call coming in from one of my men.” I put the call on three-way so he can listen in.

“Boss, we have her. Sorry, but I had to grab her to get her in the vehicle. We didn’t think it was safe to bring her back to the condo with Fratelli after her.”

“Fratelli was after her?” Drago roars.

My guy pauses before continuing. “Yes, he nearly had her in the alley off Capitol Café. We spotted her and scooped her up. She tried to fight me, but I swear, I only tried to get her in the vehicle and lock her in before Fratelli opened fire.” That fucking bastard shot at my woman. I swallow the lump in my throat before I can speak again.

“No, you did good. We’re on our way. Keep her safe, even from herself. Don’t let her escape again,” I say, knowing what that means.

“Are you sure?” The hesitation and fear in his voice isn’t just because I’ll kill him if he fucks up, but because Natalya’s a damn tiger and she’s going to put up a fight.

“Yes—but be gentle,” I add.
