Page 32 of Ruthless Prince

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“Yes. I will kill him if I touch him, and you won’t get another chance. As her father, I think you deserve it. Besides, I won’t make it slow.” The thought of him touching my little Natalya or selling her to some sick fuck is too much. I want to smash his head into the ground.

Drago takes his time, and we watch as he drags out the torture, painstakingly drawing out Nico Fratelli’s death until there isn’t a breath left in his body.

“Thank you, my boy,” he says.

“Thank you for keeping her safe before I knew she was in danger.”

“That’s why I put a tracker in her pendant the first time.”

“Oh.” I wondered why he’d done that since she was always with her guards and had her phone on her at all times.

“Just in case she was taken. She never took it off, and it was such a small trinket, they wouldn’t think it was valuable enough to be worth money, or so I thought.”

“The guy stole it probably for proof that he had his hands on her, or just got lucky and ran off with it. He had an addiction and wanted to pawn it.”


“Hey, let’s get this mess cleaned up and get back to our families.”

“Yes, I have someone waiting for me.” Anatoly gives me a wink. I shake my head because the man will never settle down. The time it takes to deal with the piece of filth and clean up put us well past midnight, and our families have all gone to bed.

I wonder where my mother set up Natalya for the evening. Would they keep us apart because her parents are here and we aren’t married, or would they understand how much we need each other?

I open my bedroom door, and my beautiful fiancée is lying on my bed like the dirty fantasy I had too many times. She’s in just a tee shirt of mine, which has risen up, revealing a pair of black panties that I want to tear off her. The anger and rageI never got to unleash sends adrenaline and hunger through my veins.

Chapter Thirteen


The women and my younger sister don’t seem bothered by the fact that the guys have been gone so long. The rest of my siblings keep busy in the gaming room while the men are dealing with my would-be kidnapper. I try to focus on the bridal stuff, but all I want to do is go to bed and wait for Ilya to join me.

I let out a yawn, which caught my mother-in-law’s eye. “I’m sorry, you have to be exhausted after everything. We can call it a night and focus on more tomorrow.”

“Thank you so much. It’s been such an emotional and trying couple of days, and I’m really tired.”

“You need rest. Plus, I’m sure Ilya’s going to be worried if you’re still up when they’re done.”

“He said for us to continue planning.”

“Yes, but it will be a while, so we put you in Ilya’s room.” She smiles, and my mom pretends to pay no mind to it. I’m sure they left that part out to my father; at least he didn’t bother to ask. He wasn’t too pleased that we arrived pretty late today and knew what we must have been up to last night and this morning. Even if we were married, I wouldn’t expect him to feel comfortable with us sharing a bedroom. I’m still his little girl.

When I go up to his bedroom, I close the door and breathe in. It’s so him, even though he doesn’t really stay here. The first thing I notice, besides the cleanliness, is my picture on his wall and on his nightstand. I wonder how long he’s had these pictures up, and does everyone know about them?

Feeling sleepy, I undress down to my panties and then dig through one of his drawers and pull out a shirt, sliding it over my head. I have only just closed my eyes when the door opens and my handsome, dangerous fiancé enters the room with a feral look in his eyes. I know he has to have me, and I slide my legs open, welcoming him.


Waking up in his arms, my body has never felt so protected, safe, content. I’m so glad he fell in love with me the way I’m in love with him. All these years, Ilya has cared for me. Of course, I’m not sure when he finally decided it was more than innocent. Was it the party last year?

“Good morning, Princess.” I roll over and see that he’s staring right into my eyes.

“Good morning. How long have you been awake?”

“A while. Tell me what’s on your mind.” I pause before considering what to say. “Don’t hold back, my love. I want you to tell me what you’re thinking. Are you bothered about what we did last night?”

“Why would I be bothered about making love to you?” We had to be extremely quiet because my parents were in the house, so that was a problem, but I could never resist naked Ilya.

He chuckles softly, cupping my face. “Not what we did. What your father and I had to do.”
