Page 8 of Ruthless Prince

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“No?” I ask, barely getting the words out with my teeth clenched.

He shakes his head and pours himself another drink. “No. Junior and Natalya decided to help the bastard out of the poolbecause she didn’t want her party ruined with a dead body in the pool.”

“He put his hands on her?” I question, needing to know just how much damage I need to do to this man before I kill him.

My godfather nods and says, “He stole her necklace. The necklace you gave her in Russia.”

“I thought she was wearing it,” my father said.

“I knew it wasn’t the same one.”

“She didn’t notice the slight difference, but I had to get a replica replaced for the night. Anyhow, I tracked the fucker down, but seeing as he was just at my house and everything, it would be too obvious if I did anything to him.” His words are clear.

“You need to say nothing more. I will take care of him.” He had added a tracker to the piece. He might be tracking the piece, but as soon as I learned he took it in, I tapped into the tracker as well. I wish I’d had time to add the tracker when I bought the piece. She loved it so much that I couldn’t say no to her.

“I’ll see you at the hotel,” my father says. I walk out of the office and take my leave from the front door and not the back because I don’t want the guests to see me leave, especially Natalya. Too many witnesses would make it obvious.

An hour later, I have my sights on the guy. The little shit had been driving an expensive car, and I was able to trace the pussy, James Smith, to his temporary residence. Interesting; he’s not from here, but he’s working for the Fratelli family, the fuckers whose warehouse I confiscated merchandise from last year.

This was about me. He came after my beauty in an attempt to get to me, but why through them? Was there more to it? Did they believe the Romanovs were involved in my bullshit? Either way, I’ll deal with these fuckers.

It takes some planning, but I find my way into the residence without alerting any of the cameras.

The room is a mess, and it’s clear he’s living his life on the run—from the law, and now from the Romanov family; unfortunately for him, that included me.

He’s in the shower, and that’s when I spy the pills and drugs, and the one thing that led me here—her necklace. Problem solved. Seeing his phone on the charger, I know he can’t hide and call for help, so I relax. Sitting on the bed, I pick up the device with gloved hands and check it, unlocking it easily. My first search is his call log. Then I move to his text messages. The latest one is from someone named Jojo.She’s wasted. The drugs are working.I’ll get her alone soon. One of her goons just left. Be ready.

That bitch. I can’t send a message from here, but he’s not going anywhere, so it won’t matter anyway. I won’t let him breathe after today, so he won’t get his hands on my woman. I send the stream of texts from his phone to an untraceable cloud bank, then I wait for the asshole to get out of the bathroom.

He groans repeatedly, and I know that I’ve fucking inadvertently caught the fucker masturbating. Scrolling through his messages, an interesting one comes up.

Whatever is going on here, the man that put his hand on my godsister and tormentor has to die. The second the door opens, I drop him onto the floor with my hand in his hair, doingmy best to keep him from hitting his face. Can’t leave him with bruises.

“What the fuck? Who…”

“Shut the fuck up,” I growl, dragging him to his knees. “You need to answer a question for me.”

“What made you think this was okay?” I held up Natalya’s necklace.

“Where did you get that?” he asks.

“The better question is where did you get it?”

“I bought it off a slutty bitch looking to make some quick cash.” Has this man lost his mind, or does he have no idea who he’s dealing with?

“You are either stupid or have a fucking death wish.” I snap my eyes shut, trying to control the rage because I need answers, but then he opens his mouth again.

“Neither. I’m not afraid of some two-bit muscle from Russia. You’re nothing that my gun can’t handle.” He reaches the short distance and pulls one out from the bathroom, but he’s too fucking slow. I send my knife into his eye. A scream rends the room; it’s too late and he falls. I’m not going to get the information I want out of him, but I will make this work to my benefit. Turning the bastard on his face, it looks like he accidentally fell on his knife. Given the messy room, it’s obvious it was a slip and fall out of the shower.

Ten minutes later, I made the scene appear like an accident, grabbed what I needed and made my exit without being seen. Next is a stop to return to the party. After all, I have to make it look like I never really left. When I return to thegathering, everyone is getting out of the pool and almost ready to cut the cake.

“Ah, just in time, my boy,” Drago says, clapping me on the shoulder. “Everything go well?”

“Not quite. However, I did retrieve the stolen item. He may have had a little accident. Showers can be slippery and dangerous.”


“Yes. Unfortunately, I underestimated his stupidity.”

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