Page 49 of Hunted Heir

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I release my heel by lifting it up. Ava bends down, using one knock of her fist to the head of the ass, knocking the guy unconscious. That was cool, I need to learn that move.

“Let’s go,” Ava states as she starts to look around. “The guards can take care of this.”

I hear the clacking of heels running up to us as the women who run the store look between us and the men. “Are you okay? We are so sorry. Stuff like this never happens in this store.”

I shake my head. “I’ll take this in the same size and another pair of heels,” I respond to her, pointing to my dress and the killer shoes I’m wearing. The women valiantly nod as they run away looking for what I need.

We should be the ones apologizing to them, I think to myself as Ava helps get us safely out of the store. They’re concerned about others waiting nearby to finish the job.

Ana was ferociously speaking on the phone, most likely to the Reaper or my father. There is going to be hell to pay when we get back.

“Did you see the biceps on that guy?” Ana spits out to Ava on the way back. Her sister nods, more in shock than anything.

Even though they chat and giggle with me and my friends, they’re nervous. Remy and Sloan are going to explode when we get back. They do laugh weirdly but all in all, the fight was worth it!

Then why am I shaking so bad?




“Yes.” My mood is off, waiting for Taylor and her friends to get back. I never should’ve approved this. As soon as they left the parking lot, doubt crossed my mind as my senses filled with dread.

“We were attacked,” Ana barely gets out before I scream back at her.

“What!” My anger is rising to levels likely to get out of control.

Remy is standing up next to me as I put the phone on speaker. “Four military guys, but Taylor said that their boss, Lucas, sent them. They were laughing because their boss put out the hit and they get to do it.”

“Fuck!” I scream out as Remy looks worried. “Is everyone okay? Anybody get hurt?”

“Taylor was knocked in the back of the head, she’s got a nice size lump.” I can hear shuffling, most likely Ana moving away. “I’m not a doctor but I think she needs to go to one for sure. At least to get her head checked.” She pauses for a second, letting me take this all in. “Ava has a nice slice on her forearm, but I’ll stitch her up later tonight.”

I rub my hands over my face, knowing that this whole idea was a fucking bad idea. I never should have approved them doing this.

“Take her to the clinic in the next town over. Try not to stay that long, get X-rays and get the fuck out.” I nod to Remy. “I’ll have Remy send some more men and we’re on our way, too.”

I hang up the phone, promptly re-dialing.

“Sloan?” Antonio and I decided that we would only call each other when absolutely necessary. Neither one of us trust technology that much.

“Taylor and her friends were attacked when they went shopping earlier. She was hit in the back of the head and as a precaution they’re taking her to the next town over to the clinic to be checked.” Silence is the only thing that filters through the phone for the next minute as Antonio processes this new information.

“I’m going to send one of my guys to make sure that she’s okay. His name is Miles, be on the lookout for him.” Mr. Bossman is not happy at this moment. I can hear the aggravation in his voice.

“Got it boss, I’m heading over there now.” I end the call as Remy and I make our way down from the dorm room to the parking lot and then hightail it to the clinic.

It doesn’t take long at the high rate of speed we’re going until we pull up to the small, extremely small, clinic. It’s what one would expect from a tiny rural community. There’s one or two doctors that man it, with a physician’s assistant and several nurses.

Guards nod to both Remy and I as we work our way in, following the voices once inside, ignoring the receptionist at the desk asking us to take a seat.

“Just in time,” Eden states as the doctor is talking to Taylor.

He looks in between all of us and then looks back to Taylor. “It’s fine, they’re just really close friends andfamily.” The last word fails on her tongue, making it low and almost inaudible.

The doctor pulls out a flimsy X-ray and puts it up against the wall, turning on a light that brightens the X-ray for us all to see.
