Page 7 of Puck Me Up

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He walked to a white-erase board and started pointing out circles and lines that were already drawn, different plays we’d tried, and then he changed them around, pointing again. I could feel the old drumbeat of my heart, and a flush of excitement that I hadn’t felt in this arena yet this season. I was captain now, and it was up to me to pull this rag-tag bunch of players together into a team that was worth something.

“Now, listen,” Rowan said, turning back to the room, his eyes once more sweeping his audience. “Morning workouts are mandatory until I say otherwise.” Some of the guys groaned, but I was on board. I’d kind of lost my way since Reid left for Denver. I finally felt like I was finding my spark again, listening to Rowan talk. It was almost like destiny, the two of us coming together. I didn’t know why, but his words gave me goosebumps. “I’ll see you all bright and early at seven AM, and make sure you eat a decent breakfast so you’ve got some fuel to burn in here because we’re gonna be hitting it hard from the word go. If you want to get that ship this year, you all need to treat yourselves like champions. That means training right and eating right, to start with. I’m going to add a few extra practice sessions to the calendar, so check that link in your email. And hell, today’s game could have been worse, right? To celebrate another game down, I’m buying a round for everybody at Copper’s tonight.” I could have sworn he glanced my way again as the corners of his mouth twitched up. “Mandatory.”



“You’re so fucking hot,” Jamie murmured huskily in my ear. I was wearing a sleek black tube dress with my sandy hair down, leaning against him as we watched his teammates shoot pool. I took a sip from my whiskey sour, smiling around the rim of the glass. “That’s what every guy here is thinking.”

I rolled my eyes, snorting into my Shirley Temple.

“They are not,” I said, shaking my head. “Just because you’re obsessed with me…”

“I am obsessed with you,” Jamie said, encircling my waist with his arms and pulling me off-balance so my ass landed firmly in his lap. I could feel the carefully concealed bulge that was just for me. I bit my lip around a smile.

I never pictured myself as the type to fall in love with my brother’s best friend, but I had, and hard. Now, I wasn’t sure how I’d ever managed to live without him. I leaned my head back against his chest and he pressed a kiss to my temple before dragging his lips to the shell of my ear.

“But also, that is definitely what every red-blooded straight man in here is thinking. And imagine what they’d be thinking if I shoved your dress up and bent you over the table.” I could barely believe that I was hearing the words. This was like a scene from someone else’s life. My panties were already soaked, my heart pounding. I couldn’t help myself. I squirmed my hips, grinding ever so slightly against his growing cock. He exhaled sharply against my cheek, his fingertips digging into me. “Fuck, baby. You’d love that, wouldn’t you? Getting fucked in front of a room full of roughnecks. You might even give a few of them a turn, huh?” I whimpered and nodded, amazed at myself but unable to lie. I kept picturing his hand curling around my neck, slamming me facedown onto the bar table beside us, the other hand jerking my dress up and exposing my ass for everyone to see. I was throbbing, already aching for him to fuck me. I blinked and realized that I was staring at the new assistant coach, and he was staring right back, watching us with a small, knowing smile on his face.

“Are you wet just thinking about it, baby?” Jamie asked in a low voice, his hands sliding forward on my hips, fingertips inching closer and closer to the place where I needed him to touch me. I nodded again and he hissed and thrust his hips forward, so hard that I stumbled away from him. When I turned around, he was standing up, his mouth a thin line. He grabbed me by the elbow and steered me to the back of the bar, where a narrow hallway held bathrooms and a door to the outside.

“What—?” I started, but he didn’t give me a chance to ask. His grip on me tightened as he pushed me ahead of him down the hallway. We were headed for the exit sign. A second later, the night air was cooling my flushed skin as he shunted me outside. Starting to get annoyed by his silence, I went to pull my arm away but he swung me around, slamming my back into the brick wall of the alley as his mouth crashed down onto mine.

The kiss was electric. Red hot. His tongue forced my lips apart as he dry-fucked me up against the wall. My hands flew to his belt, too eager to wait, frantically unbuckling it and freeing his cock. I thought he would stop me, tell me to wait until we got home. But he didn’t. When I gripped his shaft, he thrust into my tight fist with an animal moan and braced his palms on the wall on either side of my head.

“Fuck,” he panted. “Hope…”

I squeezed him, stroking his length. He groaned. But then he pushed off the wall.

“Turn around,” he growled. I trembled at the fierce look on his face. When I didn’t move fast enough, he grabbed my arm again and spun me, planting his hand between my shoulder blades and pressing my chest to the wall. I felt the cold air on my bare ass as he hiked up my skirt. I’d skipped putting on underwear when I was getting ready. A second later, he was inside my clenching, dripping pussy. “Oh, my fucking god,” he gasped into my hair as he covered my body with his, grinding into me, gliding in and out of me easily. I was soaking wet.

“Jamie,” I moaned, tightening around him until he hissed.

At that moment, the door beside us swung open and Assistant Coach Rowan Wilder stepped out. He paused when we both spun around, Jamie jerking out of me. Then his face split in a grin, and he crossed his arms over his chest.

“I was wondering where our captain ran off to,” he drawled. Those glittering hazel eyes were roving over my body. “Don’t stop on my account.” I froze, looking back and forth between Rowan and Jamie. Jamie’s guilty look was fading, replaced by a smirk. They locked eyes and then they turned to me.

Jamie and I could communicate without words. He could look at my face and know exactly what I was feeling. So I let the desire show in my eyes. His question was clear—Are you ready?And my answer was a resoundingYes.

Knowing that we were both on the same page, and we were about to cross an invisible line that would forever separate our past from our future, I reached a hand out for Rowan. The assistant coach’s burning gaze raked down me again, from my mussed hair and rumpled dress to my painted-black toenails peeping out from the toes of my pumps. For a second, he stayed stock-still, like he wasn’t sure.

Then, he stepped forward.



I moved behind Hope, my palms sweating and my heart hammering in my throat, as Rowan squared up in front of her. For a second he just stared down at her, and she stared back up at him. I waited to see what would happen.

I put my hands on her hips so she would know I was still there, still right behind her, and I felt her body relax, sagging slightly against my chest. My touch seemed to break the ice, and as I kissed her shoulder, Rowan brought his mouth down to hers.

I leaned back and watched them. It was a bit surreal, standing by while the love of my life made out with somebody else. I never thought I’d be cheering her on from the sidelines while she cuckolded me. But here we were. And I was the responsible party, the one who had asked for it. Did I make a mistake? Would she find someone better and leave me? Had I risked everything we’d built, gambled it on a kink?

Even as my mind flipped through worst-case scenarios, my blood approached boiling point. My cock was a steel rod, jutting under her skirt, resting comfortably between the cheeks of her luscious ass. I rocked my hips, grinding the underside against her, as Rowan kissed across her jaw, down her neck, and she let her head fall back. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me with a sweet, hazy smile. My blood surged at the sight of her—pupils blown wide, lips kissed raw, the want obvious on her face.

“That’s my good girl,” I murmured. She bowed her back, pressing her ass against me harder, and I shuddered. I was about to come just like this, just watching Rowan kiss along the neckline of that tiny, ridiculously sexy dress. And then her hands went to his pants and she undid them, and his cock sprang free. Now we were both out, exposed in a back alley. Anyone could walk around the corner and see us. I bit my lip, picturing it. I had to squeeze my shaft at the base to keep from coming as I imagined how we wouldn’t even slow down, not even if a crowd gathered to stare. There was no stopping now.

Hope bent over at the waist, and I saw Rowan’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise as she swallowed him. I didn’t waste any time getting back inside of her. Let the world see. Let a meteor come down and smite us dead. I needed to fuck her, right fucking now.
