Page 10 of Fool's Desire

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Happy that she was behaving, Jake stepped back and pulled her towards him at the same time as he thrust his hips forward, eliciting a groan of pleasure from her.

Next door was the jail cell with its formidable row of bars set twelve inches inside the glass wall. The couple who were playing had only just arrived and their scene hadn't started, so Joel made another note to check them on his next rotation.

The last room on this side was the wet room, outfitted with a huge shower amongst other things. On her knees beneath the spray, a sub knelt while her Dom held her by the hair as he fucked her mouth. Ensuring that she wasn't being choked by either the water or the cock, Joel headed around the final corner to check on his last theme room, knowing that the other two private rooms on this wing would be safe in the hands of the control room personnel. In fact, the entire club was wired up to the control room, from the car park to the dungeon, which provided an additional set of eyes and ears to all areas, but the Dungeon Monitors were the men—or women—on the ground. The ones to take action and intervene where necessary.

Room ten had a single curved brick wall meant to imitate a turret room and housed an impressive collection of violet wands and orbs as well as a selection of candles for wax play. Joel knew even before his radio crackled with a warning that there was trouble in it.

He dragged his radio from his belt and checked in with the control room as he ran around the corner. "I've got this," was all he said, knowing that they would already be initiating emergency protocol and sending both a sub and another Dom for assistance.

Joel burst through the door, not waiting to see who or what was going on inside.

"Cease and desist!" Joel yelled the scene termination phrase that all members and their guests were instructed on, along with the use of safe words, before they were allowed to start any kind of play within the club since in the world of BDSM 'stop' didn't always mean stop and 'no' didn't always mean no. In the heat of passion, both were regularly uttered without their true meaning being intended. Either word could even be incorporated in the roleplay for whatever kind of dynamic that was being staged, and acting on them could cause unnecessary panic and interruption to a scene. Consequently, the club used a clear series of words that couldn't be misconstrued, since they weren't words that would ever be used in the same context, except where there was a problem.

The Dom in the room spun around, wrenching the arm of the sub he had hold of and causing her to yelp.

Joel stilled and made a quick evaluation of the situation. He recognised the man as Harry, one of their fairly regular 'baby Doms'. They'd had a couple of problems with him and his ego in the past, nothing major, but enough for them to keep a careful eye on him.

The girl was a guest, but Joel knew she'd been to the club several times before, so she wasn't a complete newbie, but she was clearly terrified.

"Let go of her, Harry," Joel commanded.

Harry responded by grasping her arm harder and pulling her behind him. "She's my regular sub!" he whined as if that somehow excluded him from the directive.

"And this is my club, and you know the rules." Joel was conscious of others entering the room behind him and knew his backup had arrived.

"But she's being ridiculous!" Harry fumed, waving a violet wand in front of him like a weapon, and Joel leaned back slightly, the damn thing was still active. "I've already told her it won't hurt!"

"She's scared, Harry." Another voice chimed in from behind, and Joel recognised it as that of his friend and co-owner, Logan Thornton.

"But it's not going to hurt!" Harry as good as stamped his foot, and Joel had to stifle the urge to roll his eyes. He still had a bruising grip on the girl's arm, and she was cowering and whimpering behind him, clearly overwhelmed by events.

Joel took another step forward; he had to take control of this situation and fast, and his first priority was to get the girl away from Harry. Grabbing a soft 'subbie' blanket used for aftercare from the back of a chair, Joel ignored the young Dom's posturing and proceeded to wrap it around the trembling sub.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" he asked in a low, comforting voice as he glanced to his side and saw Trinity, one of the resident club submissives, and beckoned her closer with a tilt of his head.

"S-Sophie," she stammered in a barely audible whisper.

"Well, she's not going to enjoy any kind of play right now, Harry…"

Behind him, Joel heard Logan continue to reason with the young man, "The needs of the sub come first."

Harry scowled, "But I pay the goddamn fees for her to get into this place; I'm her Dom. She owes…"

Joel couldn't help the growl that rumbled in his throat, and it startled Harry into loosening his hold on Sophie. Joel pinned the young man with a look that had Harry's eyes widening as he realised he'd seriously overstepped the mark.

"And as her Dom, I know you understand your responsibility to your submissive," Logan continued smoothly while Joel took Sophie's hand and pulled her away from Harry and into the care of Trinity.

"Take her downstairs to one of the aftercare rooms and give her some water and some chocolate. Don't leave her until I come down and check on her," Joel directed quietly as he passed Sophie off, then he spun around, ready to tear a strip off the young Dom in front of him. Before he could let rip and ban the youngster, Logan's hand clamped down on Joel's shoulder.

"However, just to refresh your memory, I'm advising that you retake the in-house Dominant course."

Joel stiffened at the words and felt Logan's hand squeeze his shoulder. He looked at his friend, and Logan raised his eyebrows, his eye's steady on Joel's in an expression that said, 'trust me'. The two of them shared a silent conversation until Joel barely dipped his head in acquiescence and Logan patted his shoulder before he dropped his hand and moved to take charge of the violet wand.

Joel turned his attention back to Harry and scowled. "You're on suspension until you've completed the course, with a guest ban until I'm happy that you've learned something." Turning, he gestured Harry to precede him through the door. "And your evening finishes now. Master Logan will see you out."

Harry blustered, his face turning an interesting shade of red. "What about my fucking sub?"

"I'll take care of her, since you don't seem able to!" Joel replied cuttingly. No way was he letting the poor girl out of the building with this jerk.
