Page 4 of Fool's Desire

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The damning thoughts reeled faster and faster through Daisy's tortured mind, each notion trampling her self-esteem, each judgement chipping away at her confidence.

He hadn't come after her. He hadn't bothered to call to see if she was all right. He hadn't been interested in making sure she had arrived home safely, heedless of the state she was in. Despite everything, Daisy's battered heart still tried to deny it, but Joel's actions damned him…the answer to all her questions must be a distinct and soul shattering yes!

Gradually, Daisy's vacant gaze adjusted and she finally became aware of Charlotte shaking her shoulder and shouting her name in alarm while she simultaneously tried searching her tote bag for her phone.

Finally focussing, Daisy blinked at her friend.

"Oh, thank the goddesses!" Charlotte exclaimed. "I thought you were having some kind of seizure. I've been trying to get your attention for ages. What the heck is going on? Are you all right?"

The stream of questions highlighted Charlotte's panic as her friend started to pat and squeeze her arms, as if looking for injuries.

The torrent of human concern jolted Daisy's fragile composure and her precarious façade started to crumble. Suddenly, huge, gulping sobs were torn from deep inside her as she struggled to disclose the details of her humiliation to Charlotte. Tears raced down her cheeks and neck and into her collar as the dam finally broke. Daisy garbled and hiccupped the torrent of words that suddenly spewed forth while Charlotte sat beside her on the tiny bed, arms wrapped solidly around her as she rocked them both and stroked her hair, murmuring soothing platitudes and quietly allowing Daisy to get the entire, incoherent jumble out of her system.

As Daisy eventually calmed, one certainty had developed with crystal clarity. The heartache and humiliation were simply too much for her to bear.

She couldn't stay here!

Chapter One

Desirae Harper strode purposefully along the corridor to her spacious, elegantly appointed corner office at Universal Holdings, her high heeled court shoes muted on the luxury carpet. Reaching for the door, she juggled her laptop bag and her briefcase with the stack of paperwork she'd just been handed by her PA as she grasped the handle.

Descending on her strictly regimented desk, Desirae swiftly deposited the items and immediately started perusing the shortlisted selection of CVs and the prior progress notes belonging to the candidates for today's final interviews for the position of finance manager.

The prospective candidates had already undergone rigorous screenings in the pre-selection process before they got to interview with Desirae herself. As CFO of one of the country's biggest corporations and with a personal reputation to uphold as one of the most responsible players in the brokerage of smaller companies, Desirae only surrounded herself with the best. Her job was primarily risk management, but her personal philosophy was never to break a company for financial gain alone. Desirae concerned herself with the welfare of the employees in the companies facing takeover, and if the personal loss didn't stack up against the finances, then she didn't deal. As a direct result of Desirae's humanitarian approach, the corporation she worked for now enjoyed a benevolent status which eased negotiations in any company takeover.

The post Desirae was interviewing for today was key, and it was vital that the successful candidate understood how Desirae worked and what the focus of the financial implications were in relation to her personal principles as well as the bottom line figures.

Desirae also had a reputation for strict objectivity when it came to employment or promotions. Whomever got this job would get it because they were the best, regardless of age, gender, disability or creed.

At thirty-years-old, Desirae was young to hold the exalted position of Chief Financial Officer for such a huge corporation. There were many who might like to believe she had slept her way to the top, but her frosty reputation and unmitigated successes negated that myth. She was at the top because she was driven and focused and determined. She was at the top because she was single-minded and dedicated solely to her job.

She was at the top because she, too, was the best.

"Rae?" Desirae's PA, Laurel, interrupted her scrutiny of the interviewee's information before she could finish.

Fresh from her degree and with no experience, Desirae had taken a chance on Laurel when the other woman had sneaked in for an interview which she didn't actually have, after being discounted due to her lack of experience in the early screening stages. Desirae had been impressed with her fresh enthusiasm, her unshakable attitude and her undeniable ingenuity. She reminded Desirae of herself a decade or more ago and maybe, just maybe, Desirae had been guilty of wanting an idealist to succeed instead of being ground down.

That had been five years ago, and she had never regretted the decision. In fact, as Desirae had climbed the corporate ladder, she had willingly towed Laurel along with her.

"Rae, are you ready to schedule those interviews yet?"

Desirae pursed her full lips at Laurel's abbreviation of her name. She rarely answered to a pet name, although her old friend, Charlotte, insisted on calling her Desi. She supposed either was better than the childish name she grew up with.

Desirae raised an eyebrow and looked pointedly at her bubbly PA.

"Well, 'Desirae' is such a mouthful!" Laurel stated unrepentantly as she ploughed on, unperturbed.

Laurel had made herself Desirae's friend. Undaunted by Desirae's aloof disposition, Laurel had laid siege to her stand-offish nature, determined to break down the barriers of Desirae's reserved temperament. Laurel had steadfastly brought in donuts and coffee, appeared with lunch on the days Desirae had worked through, grabbed her suits from the dry cleaners during those weeks when Desirae was too bogged down in takeover meetings to do anything but fall into bed at the end of back to back fifteen-hour days. All without being asked and all despite Desirae's repeated assertions that those things were not part of Laurel's job description. It became impossible not to like Laurel Stanton.

"Schedule the first to come in at 11:30 am." Desirae ignored Laurel's banter. "That will give me time to look through the last couple of candidates' paperwork." She sat back in her chair and gave Laurel her full attention, tapping the CVs in front of her. "What's the real feeling on these final four?"

Laurel put her electronic tablet down on Desirae's desk and tapped her thumbs together. Laurel always knew all the gossip. Desirae didn't encourage her, but the younger woman's insight into the character of these candidates would give her a feel for how each of them would work within the staff dynamic.

"The older lady seems like a bit of a battle axe, but she's nothing if not efficient," Laurel pondered. "Whereas the younger one has a lot less experience because she's been out of the workplace bringing up a family, but her qualifications and references are excellent and she seems easy to get along with."

Desirae nodded thoughtfully. "What about the men?"

"The older gentleman was exactly that—a gentleman. I liked him, but he is a lot older than the rest of the team so I did wonder about the age difference…" Laurel trailed off and bit her lip, knowing Desirae would frown on that conjecture. She sighed and continued. "The younger man is most certainly the forerunner. His CV and references are second to none." Laurel paused hesitantly.
