Page 6 of Fool's Desire

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Desirae flicked off the intercom and dug out her personal mobile phone. She was flying this request under the radar.

Charlotte Chapman answered on the first ring. "Desi?" she queried in obvious surprise, "What calamity has befallen to have you making personal calls in the middle of the working day? Did the stock market and the internet both crash at the same time and leave you at a loose end?"

"Hello to you, too!" Desirae chuckled at her friend's sarcasm. Charlotte was always chiding her on working too hard and not keeping in touch often enough. "And I do have a couple of dilemmas. I'm after your own special brand of information."

Charlotte had become an investigative reporter after finishing her degree in journalism, and she specialised in digging for the kind of details that were often overlooked or buried. Currently, she put those skills to use writing a regular travel blog which highlighted bogus deals and warned the discerning traveller of both the unseen pitfalls and the hidden treasures of their holiday destinations.

"Ooh! A couple, huh? Intriguing!" Charlotte cooed. "Come on then, spill it," she hustled without preamble.

"Well, Universal has been subject to a takeover bid?—"

"Whoa!" Charlottes exclamation interrupted, but Desirae ploughed on,

"By the Blackwood Corporation."

This time, her news was met with a stilted silence and Desirae pushed ahead before Charlotte could comment. "Plus, I have one 'Eric Oliver' set to interview for my finance manager position." Desirae rushed to finish, not yet ready to rehash a history that Charlotte knew all too well. "That's what I want information on."

"So…worse than the stock market and the internet both crashing at once!" Charlotte finally regained her voice, and Desirae appreciated her attempt to add levity to a conversation that might otherwise be fraught.

Seeming to understand her old roommate's reluctance to delve into the past, Charlotte asked quietly, "What exactly is it that you want, Desi?"

"I want to know everything there is to know about Eric Oliver," Desirae told her. "Why is he knocking on my door looking for a job? Why isn't he working for his father's company? And why has he turned up like a rotten apple right now?"

"The timing is a little suspect," Charlotte agreed. "What are you thinking? Corporate spy?"

"The timing stinks! He's way overqualified for the job," Desirae huffed abruptly. "But it's almost too obvious…and not the kind of stunt I'd expect Blackwood to pull. They have a reputation for being pretty straight shooters," she finished begrudgingly.

"Well, you've come to the right place," Charlotte stated decisively. "I'll get on it right away and get back to you as soon as I have something. How long have you got before the interviews?"

"I'll schedule him last…" Desirae hedged guiltily. "But with this takeover imminent, I need someone reliable in that post yesterday."

"No problem," Charlotte scoffed. "You know how I thrive on a strict deadline!"

Feeling better for having taken some action, Desirae said her goodbyes and settled down to get ready for the interviews.

Desirae knew she had found her new finance manager before she'd even finished Luanna Morgan's interview. She'd felt a connection with her from the moment she'd walked through the door, and Desirae instinctively knew that the other woman would fit well in the department dynamics. Just a few years older than Desirae herself, Luanna had worked hard to drag herself up from the stigma of being a teenage single mother, putting the enforced years living at her parents' home and caring for her infant son to good use. First, gaining her distance learning degree in accounting and, later, working from her own home doing bookkeeping and more in-depth accounts for a diversity of clients. Now her son was a teenager, and Luanna was pursuing a full-time career.

Desirae admired the woman's determination and work ethic. She was down to earth and honest, but unapologetic about her inauspicious beginnings. She might not have the other candidates' experience at working within an organisation such as theirs, but sometimes, Desirae knew full well, the school of hard knocks and life experience was the very best qualification and one that couldn't be bought. Luanna Morgan had sacrificed for her son, and while other employers saw that sacrifice as an obstacle to her performance in their workplace, Desirae knew that there was no stronger compulsion than a responsible mother's desire to provide for her child.

One last chore and Desirae would be able to go home, sip at a glass of chilled wine and lounge in a relaxing bubble bath. And a chore it would be. Whatever it had taken to get her to where she was today, Desirae usually loved her job, but just the thought of her upcoming interview with Eric Oliver left a bad taste in her mouth.

She had already instructed Laurel to get the necessary documentation worked up in order to offer Luanna Morgan the position, but for the sake of propriety, Desirae still had to conclude this final interview, regardless of any personal feelings.

With fifteen minutes before his interview was due to start, Desirae busied herself printing off the email she'd just received from Charlotte. She knew that Eric Oliver was already in the building. Laurel had been somewhat less than enthusiastic but rather vocal that the 'slime ball', as she had labelled him, was taking up space in her reception area and why couldn't it be that huge hunk of eye candy that was sat there so, at least, she had a decent view. Desirae had no idea who Laurel's 'huge hunk of eye candy' was, but she had no compunction at letting Eric Oliver wait, regardless of how much it irritated her PA. She wanted all the material she could lay her hands on before she started this interview. She'd already received an interoffice memo from John Williams recommending Eric for the post. There was no way Desirae was ever going to work with the man and the final decision was hers alone, but she couldn't afford for that decision to be perceived as being based on emotion.

Scrutinizing the evidence Charlotte had collected, Desirae couldn't help the overwhelming sense of relief that coursed through her veins at the realisation that she wouldn't have to work too hard to justify her decision.

The information also made her feel resilient enough to be able to handle his interview.

Even so, Desirae couldn't help holding her breath as Laurel finally showed her old antagonist into her office. The years hadn't been very kind to Eric Oliver; his hair was thinning and he'd developed a slight paunch from too many years of over indulgence and too little self-discipline.

Out of nowhere, speculation shot through her mind at how the last decade might have treated Joel, leaving her shaky in its intensity.

Straightening her spine against the unwanted conjecture, Desirae pulled an aura of calm composure around her like a protective cloak and steadily released her breath.

Stepping forward, she extended her hand. Eric's was limp and sweaty, but he clutched at hers for slightly longer than necessary and Desirae had to stifle a shudder.

"Mr. Oliver." Desirae distanced herself with formality, "Please, be seated." She pulled her fingers from his grasp and gestured towards a chair, repressing the urge to wipe her hand down the narrow skirt of her navy suit.
