Page 12 of Twisted Iron

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“Something amiss?”

“You know exactly what the fuck it’s missing. You left out the agreement for the gas deliveries and the exact sum of our earnings.”

“Nothing warranted those details,” he replied.

“I fucking warranted them,” Devil answered, slamming his palms down on the wooden edge of the desk.

I heard the click of a gun before Manic’s deep, raspy voice. “Don’t fucking move, asshole.”


Mike Huber picked up his glass, swirling the contents before slowly savoring a sip. “If you don’t want the contract,Devil, I suggest you leave. My hospitality only reaches so far.”

Turning around, I found Cowboy with a gun in each hand, pointing at two of Huber’s men. I swiped my weapon free, aiming at the asshole who appeared in the doorway next.

“Got this covered, pres.”

Manic closed the lighter in his hand, staring at Mike. He never did play well with others. If Huber persisted in this, Manic would ensure he didn’t have the chance again. Killing one of the Huber sons was a colossally bad idea, but if he fucked with us any longer or insulted Devil, it wouldn’t matter. Shit would go down, and Mike Huber would pay for his arrogance.

“You boys sure know how to show up and cause a commotion,” a female voice purred, slicing through the tension in the room with an invisible knife.

Porcia Huber. The wildcard.

The only girl among five brothers. Technically, six brothers, but no one ever mentioned the one that died ten years ago, gunned down by Alaric’s rival.

Always did enjoy it when she popped into meetings. So much more enjoyable with a beautiful woman to distract us from bloodshed. Not that it wouldn’t happen at some point.

“Boys will be boys, this I know.”

The armed hitmen moved out of her way, dipping their chins briefly as she crossed the room to her brother’s desk, leaning against the edge. Her tight pencil skirt prevented her from hopping up on the edge, as I’d seen her do on multiple occasions.

“Pull out the real contract, Mike.”

Devil smiled, closing the distance to Porcia. His lips pressed to her hand as she lifted it, dangling fingers covered in rings that could purchase a small country. “A pleasure to see you again, Porcia.”

I didn’t think he lied. I knew the pres fucked her plenty in the past.

“A shame it always seems to happen under these circumstances.”

I snorted, catching her sarcasm.

Devil turned to Mike. “The contract?”

With a scowl, Mike pulled out a long, thick envelope and placed it on the desk. Porcia smiled sweetly at her brother, picking it up and handing the envelope to Devil.

“Go ahead. Look it over.”

Devil didn’t hesitate to pull out the contents and read over the details. It took him at least ten minutes to reach the end of the documents, finally giving a crisp nod as his head lifted and his gaze locked on Portia. “I accept.” He added his signature on the pages and handed the stack to Porcia.

All the other necessary signatures must already be added, including Mike’s. The fucker tried to get Devil to sign a different contract.

“I’ll be right back with your copies.”

Swishing that sexy ass of hers, she left the office, walking into the hall as Huber’s men finally lowered their weapons.

I didn’t move a muscle and noted with humor that Cowboy kept his weapons in place, daring anyone to twitch or piss him off.

Porcia returned, ignoring the strained silence as she placed one packet in Devil’s hands and the other on Mike’s desk. “All settled. Daddy sends his best wishes. He asked that I let you know he’s looking forward to the arrangement.”
