Page 30 of Twisted Iron

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“Why do you care?” Some of the venom in his voice leaked away, but he didn’t loosen his grip. He didn’t ask with ferocity but with a curiosity that I felt compelled to answer.

“Because I care about Josie. She’s young and kind and doesn’t deserve to be teased about something she can’t control. It hurts her little heart.”

His lip curled to the right, dragging his mouth into a crooked smile. “You like to champion the underdog or somethin’, doll?”

I hated that nickname, and he knew it. “Maybe.”

“Not maybe,” he contradicted, “but definitely. You think you can change what people think? How they react when someone is different?” He shook his head, sneering down at me with features twisted in contempt and frustration. “You’re a fool.”

Why was he always so mean?

“Maybe your small brain just can’t comprehend.” The words left my mouth before I thought it through, not in the least bit concerned that he could make me suffer for such a comment. Reaper provoked me in ways I couldn’t control, and I hated it, lashing out with words instead of fists.

I didn’t expect him to laugh. A big, full-bodied chuckle launched from his chest, creating such an outburst that I flinched.

“You’re a silly girl playing in a game where you don’t understand the rules. I’ll enjoy watching you lose.”

Why did Reaper want to hurt me? Was he that narcissistic?

Or did his pain run that deep?

His motivations were unknown. What demons played havoc in his head?

Part of me wanted to tell him to fuck off, and the rest wanted to dig deeper into his psyche and discover why he put up such walls, locating the origin of the darkness that had taken root.

Instead of reacting to his words, I reflected on them. “You’re right. I don’t understand the game I’m in.”

His lips twitched at my confession.

“But I’m a quick learner and play towin, Reaper.”

A brief flicker of surprise entered those granite eyes of his, flashing almost silver with intrigue. Usually, the stone gray never betrayed emotion, as stoic as his features, at least in every instance I had seen him since we met.

Today, I cracked the barrier he erected. I wouldn’t give up until I completely tore it down. I think he sensed my determination.

“Stay away from me,” he threatened, “or my demons will feast on your light.”

What a bizarre thing to say.

Reaper released me, shoving off the wall and stomping from the room as I flipped him off. He didn’t see it, but I still felt better doing it. I slammed the door shut and locked it from the inside, flopping down on the mattress.

Now all I had left to do was wait for Devil. Maybe I’d take a nap.

HENNY PISSED ME OFF. She got under my skin.

And I fucking liked it. Fuck me. I did.

I smacked the side of my head with my hands and hated myself for wanting to go back to her room, open the door, toss her on the bed, and dive between her thighs. I needed to know what her moans sounded like, how she sighed and cried out my name when I fucked her. I had the sudden urge to memorize every fucking thing about her. How she tasted and the scrape of her nails on my cock.

With a possessive snarl, I spun around and headed back toward her room when I heard Manic calling my name.

“Reaper. Found something out I need to share.”

Shit. My body tensed, caught between agony and relief. “We should take it to Devil.”

“Yeah. That’s why I stopped to get your grumpy ass first.”
