Page 50 of Twisted Iron

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He stuffed his cock inside his boxers as he yanked them up, and buckled his belt, straightening his clothes before he got in my face. “Just because we fucked you think you know me. I could fuck you whenever I wanted. I’m just using you for your pussy.”

“Bullshit. You can get that anywhere.”

He grabbed my hair, tilting my head back to stare into my eyes. “Stop. You’ll only get hurt.”

“No. It’ll help us both.”

His gaze lowered to my lips, stuck in a lie of his choosing before he released me and backed away. “Stay away from me.”

“I can’t.”

“Why?” he yelled.

“Because you need me.”

Incensed, he spun on his heel and left me, punching the wall on his way out.

Reaper hated that I understood him. I figured him out and what he needed. He planned to fight me every step of the way, but he wouldn’t win. I would.

I finally figured them all out. I watched them since the second I arrived, learning about each man.

Devil, the control freak who secretly feared failing his brothers. He held on too tight, too rigid to accept that life was sometimes out of his control. As pres, he never loosened his grip and it cost him.

Raiden, the broken man who lost his sister when the cult took her. He became consumed with rage and vengeance. His blackouts manifested from his guilt.

Reaper, the lost, damaged, abused boy who needed to be loved and craved intimacy but didn’t know how to receive touch without pain. He hid behind a mask and a dark past that threatened to destroy him.

My guys. Each of them special in their own way.

Every one of them flawed, just like me.

We were brought together for a reason. I wasn’t letting it be for nothing.

I COULDN’T HELP THEgiant smile on my face. Henny put it there, but she didn’t know it. For the first time in fucking forever, I cared about something other than my club brothers and vengeance. Oh, I still craved revenge. But I had someone to battle the loneliness I’d felt since Chrissy’s death.

Henny couldn’t hide her joy when we returned with Amelia and Josie. She ran to Amelia, hugging her tight as the two women couldn’t hold back their emotions.

Tears didn’t bother me, but they made most of my brothers uncomfortable. Reaper left the room, followed by Manic. Devil stuck around with Cowboy, more curious than anything else.

When Henny hugged us for rescuing her family, I couldn’t resist holding her a little longer than I should, loving the way her soft curves fit against me. She smelled amazing. Sweet and clean and good enough to eat.

I sure wanted to settle between her thighs and gobble her up.

Devil knew how I felt. I could see it in his knowing gaze. We hadn’t discussed it yet, but I knew he planned to claim her, and I wanted to be a part of it. Reaper would never admit it, but she had already wiggled her way into his heart, too. She managed tohave us all ready to fight for her in a short time. Hell, we already did.

I’d wait for Henny. She was worth it.


I turned toward the entrance of the bar, a grin widening my lips when I saw Xenon, Spook, and his ol’ lady, Heather.

“About damn time you showed up,” Devil announced, giving them shit.

“You asked for the real reapers,” Spook joked. “Where’s your patience?”

“Right here, asshole,” Devil announced, lifting a finger to flip him off.

Laughter echoed around the room.
