Page 100 of Charm and Conquer

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Running might be an exaggeration, it's more like a slow jog, both men moving like they're exhausted and sore.

The second man leaps onto the back of the first and brings him to the ground. The second man, who I can now make out from the wicked smirk on his face is Sam Oakley, shoves the first man's face into the mud, then stands and leaps over him to race toward the finish line.

Sam's almost there when the other guy tackles him and pulls him to the ground.

"What the hell?" I ask.

"Sam and Sloane," Clover says. "They've got a huge rivalry going on. I'm actually impressed they finished the race so quickly." I turn to look at her, but she's eying her wrestling cousins. "I'd bet money they'll be hurting tomorrow."

"So, this is typical for your family?" I ask.

She smiles fondly at her cousins before turning back to me. Her expression shifts to suspicion. "What are you doing, Asher? Is this a trick to get me somewhere alone so you can exact your revenge?"

Is she serious right now? "I don't want revenge. I don't even want you to sell me the gym for a dollar. I just want you."

She crosses her arms over her chest in a protective stance, eyebrows raised, lips pursed. She's definitely not buying it.

I step in closer. "If I have to do this here, I will."

She tilts her head back to look up at me. "Let's do it here."

Not what I was hoping for, but I'll take what I can get. "Fine. Perfect. Can we at least get out of this crowd?"

She nods and I follow her as she marches toward a less crowded area of the parking lot. She waves at family and friends as we make our way through. We're almost free when Daisy steps in front of us.

"What's going on here?" Daisy asks.

"He claims he's not mad at me," Clover says, sounding weary. "He says he just wants to talk."

Daisy crosses her arms over her chest as Goldy and Honey join her. "Why should we trust him?"

I raise a hand. "I'm standing right here and you can trust me because I'm in love with your sister and I would never do anything to hurt her." Seems like when I'm exhausted I have no filter and no patience.

Clover gasps and turns to me. "You're in love with me? Are you sure?"

She looks so horrified, I don't know if I should laugh or despair. "More sure than I've ever been of anything in my life."

She just stares, and my heart pounds. Have I screwed this up? This isn't the reaction I'd hoped for.

Honey, Goldy, and Daisy look at Clover than back at me, clearly unsure how to proceed.

It's Dani who walks over and takes charge. "Asher, you giving my sister shit?"

"I just told her I'm in love with her. I need to talk to her. Alone."

Dani turns to Clover. "What do you have to say about this?"

"He can't love me," Clover says. "I helped Dad destroy his family. I'm his worst enemy."

Damn, I wish her sisters didn't stand between us. "Clover, I've known that since the day I met you. I remember the little girl you were, and I've never blamed you. I don't blame you now."

Clover opens her mouth and closes it like a fish out of water.

"Okay," Dani says. "I think we should leave them alone." She hugs Clover and leaves.

"What if this is all a trick and he's going to take her somewhere and yell at her?" Goldy asks, eyes narrowed.

"It's not a trick." I hold up both hands. "I don't know how to prove it to you, but I swear it's not a trick. You can watch us from here to make sure Clover's not upset."
