Page 24 of Charm and Conquer

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"Biological reaction." He doesn't look me in the eyes. "Hear me out and I'll let you go."

"This is assault." But my voice is uncharacteristically breathy because I've just realized we're skin to skin and my entire body is pressed along his and I am not dry in my nether regions.

I'd love to say it's just sweat, but based on the way my heart is racing and how I can't stop staring at his lips, I'm not a good enough liar to convince myself.

"I won't touch you," he says. "Just listen to what I have to—"

I don't kiss him because I want to find out what his lips taste like, raspberry and salt, I kiss him because it's the only way I can come up with to get him to loosen his grip on me.

Except I forget that plan as soon as his mouth opens beneath mine and he groans. He runs his tongue along the seam of my lips and I… I lose all self control and kiss him back.

It's been so long since I've kissed anyone who knows how to kiss, and Asher Aldridge is a man with a very gifted tongue and firm yet soft lips. He's not forceful. The kiss is a dance between us, a give and take, and I melt into him.

I could lie on his slick, honed body and kiss him forever. Our height difference means his cock is too far away for me to grind against, but then Asher tilts his hips and lifts his head and we both groan as my center meets his hardness.

I break the kiss and push back against him, trying to get more friction.

He watches me move over him. I never noticed before how dark green his eyes are or how — Movement above his head. Scales glinting in the sunlight.

"Snake!" I shout, wiggling against his grip.

"Don't be scared, Baby. It's not as big as it—"

"No." I point at the longest, thickest black rat snake I've ever seen in my life. Rationally, I know it's not venomous, but my primal instinct is screaming at me to flee. "An actual snake, right next to your head."

Finally, his grip on me releases and I scramble off him. I watch long enough to see Asher jump to his feet as the snake slithers away.

Without thinking anything through, I turn and I run. I almost bump into an older couple standing on the trail, phones raised like they're taking pictures, but I swerve just in time and keep running.



"That's it," I say as I stand over the end of the bench, fingers under the bar Cody Reynolds is struggling to press. "One more rep."

He gets it, grunting all the way, and I help him place the bar back on the rack.

He sits up. "Thanks. I'd never push myself that hard without you standing there cheering me on."

"You just gotta learn to be your own cheerleader. Let's hit the free weights for dumbbell flyes."

He looks at me from under lowered brows. "I thought you said we were only focusing on chest and back today."

"We are. Three exercises for each and dumbbell flyes is your third chest exercise. Don't quit on me now."

He pushes to his feet. "Honestly, I expected you to yell at me and call me a sissy."

I chuckle. "Not my way. You want abuse, you'll have to try a different gym. I'm your only option here."

"I bet Russell would yell at me and call me a sissy."

"I sure as hell would," Russell says as he walks over to us.

"That's the bench we're using." I point. "What do you usually use for a flye?"

Cody tips his chin up. "Honestly, man, I have no idea what you're talking about."

I demonstrate the move for him while standing up.
