Page 51 of My Curvy Rival

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Opening Night. I sit in the front row with my mother and Zay on either side of me, while Gwen, Emilia, and Jazz’s new dance instructor, Hollis, sit behind us. The theatre is abuzz, eagerly awaiting the ballet adaption of “West Side Story.” No one can be as excited as I am—well, maybe Zay.

“Our girl’s gonna kill it,” he says.

I nod, sharing his strong confidence, but I’m still nervous, knowing how special this performance is for Jazz. Mom squeezes my hand and smiles. She and Jazz have become close; she’s the daughter my mother always wanted. They bake and cook together, go shopping and to the spa. My mother has even joined Fab Fitness. I make it a point never to be there when she is. There are just some things a son doesn’t need to see, and Nicole Foster gyrating in a Voltage Vixens class is right up there.

Kai is Kai. He still hasn’t moved out, and he’s gone through three jobs in as many months. However, he seems to be enjoying his latest position in sales distribution for a weed company. Herecently earned his first big commission, and we went out for a beer to celebrate. He still has his jealousy issues, and I still don’t completely trust him. Years of harbouring all those hard feelings will take time and effort to resolve. But I don’t carry the resentment around with me anymore. I’ve let that shit go, and I’m lighter and happier for it.

He arrives just as the lights dim and takes his seat beside our mother. He kisses her cheek and gives me and Zay a fist bump. “I hope this isn’t a snooze fest.”

“Kai!” My mother admonishes, and he gives her a charming grin that says he was just joking. He probably wasn’t, but he came to support Jazz and me. Aware that our relationship still isn’t easy for him, I don’t let his comment bother me. My mom says I’ve gotten Zen these days. Another byproduct of living with Jazz. Hot sex, calm mind. I’ll take that.

My heart bounces in my chest when the curtains part and the dancers converge in a quick tempo that’s a mix of dance and mime, conveying the tension between the Sharks and the Jets. Jazz soon appears on centre stage, beautiful and radiant. She’s playing the role of Anita. It thrilled her to land such a prime part and follow in the steps of Rita Moreno.

Her body moves with a fiery spirit that embodies her character. The way Jazz becomes one with the music never ceases to mesmerize me. She’s wearing a yellow dress that hugs her sexy curves, revealing layers of red skirts as she twists and twirls across the stage. Her talent is enthralling. I can see the years of hard work and sacrifice, the battles she fought, reflected in every pirouette and leap. Her mom would be so proud, and I know Jazz is feeling her presence up there with her.

Zay and my mother murmur their praise, and even Kai has positive commentary. But I can’t speak; I’m moved beyond words by Jazz and witnessing her dream come true.

When the final notes of the ballet echo through the theatre and the dancers take their bows, the audience erupts with thunderous applause and rises for a standing ovation. I clap furiously, overflowing with love and pride. As Jazz takes her final bow, her smile illuminating, she searches the front row. Her eyes find mine, and for a moment our gazes lock, and it’s… everything.
