Page 7 of Hating Wren

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“She does,” Ames admitted, and I preened at the compliment. We went shopping the other day, buying bathing suits on sale in hopes we’d get to use them at least once before the season ended. “You were right about this color. And the fit.” She gestured at her chest, her C-cups filling out the string bikini top easily. “But honestly, can we appreciate your own suit? It looks even better than I expected.” She flicked her fingertips toward my own chest. “Really gives your tits some oomph.”

She was right. While I loved my body, small boobs or not, most bathing suits were made to favor girls with larger chests. On me, they either gaped in the chest, resulting in empty space in the cups, or they were just too big, resulting in unwanted nip slips or simply a poor fit. But the baby blue bathing suit fit perfectly, both in the chest and the shoulders, with a ruffled trim that emphasized my modest amount of cleavage.

“Thanks, Ames,” I closed my eyes on a sigh as I took in her compliment. “Now if only I had someone else to appreciate my tits. You know, someone who wanted to fuck me. Not that I don’t appreciate your notice of my boobs, though, babe.”

Before Ames could commiserate with my need for a date, a shadow fell over us along with the rasp of shoes on the patio, my eyes opening behind my sunglasses to immediately clash with Bex’s as she glared in my direction.

“Hey, sis, I thought you and the boys were working.”

Bex’s glare only slightly softened when she turned toward her sister, answering with a shrug as she sat down on the lounge chair closest to the pool. Despite the warm weather, she still wore a pair of long pants, the red and black plaid cut just above her ankle, a black tank top the only indicator that she felt the heat. She spread her legs, resting her elbows on her knees in a casual motion. “Meeting ended early. Dev and Alex went to pick up lunch, since they drove together. I’m sure they’ll show up with food for all of us in a bit.”

“Sounds good,” Ames answered, settling back into her floatie and tilting her chin toward the sun.

Bex’s jaw clenched, fingers flexing as she appeared to debate her next statement. “What were you guys talking about?”

I spoke up quickly, trying to muster up the courage I’d been building over the past two days. I thought about my flirty quip in the car those weeks ago, the one that made her flinch, and wondered if lightning could strike twice. I was greedy for her reactions, eager to watch the emotions she was so adept at hiding from me flit across her face because ofme.Because ofmyactions.

Now was the opportunity to throw Bex off her game, before she could go on the offensive. I knew she would follow through with her threat at some point or another, but I wanted to beat her to it, show her I wouldn’t bow down so easily to her demands. I wanted her to question - even if just for a second - starting the war I knew she planned on waging against me.

Her question was an easy set-up, though Bex didn’t know it. “Oh you know, the usual. Bathing suits and boobs.” I pushed my sunglasses down the bridge of my nose in a slow, sensual movement that I stole from a K-drama I watched a few months ago, winking at Bex with a smile. Ames huffed out a laugh next to me, not even looking in my direction.

I thought for a moment Bex’s eyes caught on my chest, a flicker of something crossing her face, and a smug smile started to tug at my lips at my success. I pushed a little further, letting my eyes travel over Bex’s clothed body in obvious perusal before I spoke.

“Speaking of, why don’t you strip down and come in for a swim?”

“I don’t have a suit on.”

I just smiled, running my tongue over my bottom lip - another flirtation technique I picked up from television - as I responded, “Nothing we haven’t seen before.”

That was a lie. I hadn’t seen her in anything less than a pair of pants and a shirt, the occasional flash of midriff the only amount of skin she ever revealed. Despite her living in the pool house, I had never seen her in the pool since it had been built. I would’ve thought she couldn’t swim if Ames hadn’t assured me of the opposite, joking about how she and Bex would go to their local pool and swim all day as kids, Bex’s blonde hair turning green at one point from all the chlorine.

Ames let out a barely-muffled snort but refused to look in my direction. I knew she’d question me later, but the barely-simmering anger in Bex’s eyes was worth the inquisition. I wanted a reaction, some emotion other than the indifference she so often threw my way, and I’d succeeded. Easier than I expected, if I were being honest with myself.

I knew Bex wouldn’t fall for my taunt, and I waited to see what her next move would be, wondering if she’d bow out of this battle - that I’d won - gracefully. Bex leaned forward on the balls of her feet, clearly preparing to leave in a huff, and my grin widened when I saw the defeat enter her eyes.

But that look was gone in a flash, replaced by Bex narrowing her eyes in my direction. A smug smile twisted her lips, causing the confidence that had built up in my chest to crumble. “Great idea, Wren.”

“What?” The word barely squeaked out of my mouth as I watched Bex stand up from the chair, slipping a pair of chunky black sandals off her feet.

“I said that’s a great idea. I’d love to go for a swim.”

She tore her tank top off in the next moment, revealing a black bralette, and her patterned pants followed, a pair of silk black underwear in their place. The bralette and underwear covered a similar amount to mine and Ames’s bikinis, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off the long expanse of skin between the two articles of clothing. My gaze traveled over the dip in her waist before traveling to the flare of her hips and the broad muscles of her thighs.

She dove into the water while my mouth still hung open, and I forced it shut before she surfaced. I glimpsed the black outlines of a tattoo spanning across her shoulder and down to the edge of her waist, but it disappeared before I could get a good look, hidden by the water as Bex swam back over to the edge. She pulled herself up to sit on the patio, bicep muscles flexing as she spun so that her legs still dangled in the water.

I couldn’t help my gaze as it wandered over the curves of her chest and her ass, her arm muscles still flexing as she held herself up on her hands. Every part of her was broad and muscular, not in the pretty, intentionally feminine way that so many women attempted to get in the gym, but the way that made it clear the woman in front of me could destroy me with little effort. She was so muchlargerthan me, in her height and the breadth of her shoulders, in a way that had my heart racing and my jaw wanting to drop open. The black lingerie clung to her curves, emphasizing the body I’d been imagining (against my will) in my dreams for weeks.

But even if I schooled my mouth into disinterest, my eyes couldn’t be pulled from the way the water slicked her hair back from her face, rivulets of water dripping down the curve of her neck and into her cleavage. Bex noted my attention with a small, cocky smile, and it didn’t escape my notice that the power dynamic had changed.

“Nothing you haven’t seen before, right?” She smirked, leaning back on her elbows so she could be sure every inch of her skin was on display.

I felt my resolve crumble and my cheeks warm as Bex’s bare flesh had my body reacting in the most traitorous way. My nipples pebbled beneath my suit, Bex’s attention latching onto the change with narrowed eyes.

“I’m going to go change,” I pushed out, jumping off my float and into the pool in the hopes the water would cool down my heightening libido, letting out a silent scream underneath the cool liquid. Then I swam to the surface, grabbed my towel, and walked inside, sitting on the first stool I stumbled into, head in my hands until Alex and Dev showed up and broke the tension with bags of food.


