Page 10 of Finding Us Again

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My mom butted in, saying,“Well, they can hold their fucking horses until we get there. Ava is working on getting us there now. How are you, baby? How is Katie?”

“As Gran Dad would say, we were rode hard and put up wet, but we’re alive. Neither of us has a phone, clothes, or identification, so pack us a bag. So far, the doctor has been great. He’s helping hide our identity, but it won’t be long until Katie is recognized by someone not as tight-lipped as the doctor and the nurses assigned to us. It’s going to get out sooner rather than later,” I replied.

Liam asked the one question I didn’t want to answer on the phone.“Jackson, what sort of injuries do you guys have?”

“Liam, we signed a release with Dr. Mason Cole so you can be brought up to date,” I responded, hoping I held myself off for the time being. It must have worked because I heard him walk out of the room.

Liam said,“I’ll call him now, Jackson. You take care, and I’ll be there as soon as we can get a flight.”

“Thank you, Uncle Liam.”

Conrad interrupted,“Jackson, I’ll call Michelle and get her there. She’s Katie’s publicist. She’ll know what to do.”

“No!” I shouted, glancing over at Katie to make sure I didn’t wake her. “Do not call her. Her name isn’t Michelle. It’s Nina. Nina Weldon. She’s in on it.”

“What do you mean ‘in on it’?”Conrad asked.

Realizing I would have to explain, I sighed hard. I didn’t know what to say to the man, and I couldn’t very well get into it overthe phone. I needed to see his face when we dropped the bomb on him.

“We will explain more when you get here.”

“Okay, Jackson. Are you sure Katie is okay? Are you okay?”Conrad asked yet again.

He seems genuinely concerned.

I groaned and rubbed my hand over my face. I couldn’t fucking do this. Not now. Knowing Katie had been cared for and was resting had my emotions bubbling to the surface. I needed off this fucking phone.

“Listen, we’re sitting ducks. They have to know by now that we escaped. They will find us. We had no way to navigate, no money for gas and food, and Katie needed a hospital immediately, so I got us to the closest one I could find. We’re not that far away from where they were holding us.”

I paused as a yawn overtook me. The sound of Mama’s tears filtered through the phone.

“Jackson? Son? Are you still there?”My dad asked.

“Dad, I need you to get someone here to watch over us. Someone trustworthy. I’m in no shape to protect us, and Katie can barely stand, much less run.” I stopped abruptly.

Shame flooded my system, blocking my throat momentarily.

“I’ve got people headed to you, son. Just hang on a little longer. Jackson, did you hear me?”Dad asked.

I could hear the worry in his voice. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard him sound that way, but he was usually so buttoned up when he came to stronger emotions.

“How far out are they, Dad? We cannot wait long. Like I said, we’re sitting ducks, and running isn’t an option. Not even if our lives depend on it, and if they find us, make no mistake, our lives are in danger.”

“Jackson, I’ve called Foster. He’s headed to you. He’s closer than we are. Adam and Brock are on the way, too. Conrad will call the police and ask them to put a couple of officers on you. We all love you, and we will be there shortly.”

“Thank you, Dad. I love you all. Please, hurry,” I said before replacing the phone.

I was so fucking tired, but I didn’t feel comfortable or safe enough even to contemplate closing my eyes.



I know Jackson thought I slept through the conversation with our families. I was such a piece of crap for not talking with them myself or helping Jackson through the conversation, but I just wanted to escape. I was tired of being handled and stared at.

I heard the frustration in Jackson’s voice and the emotion and fear. God, I loved him. He was too good for me.

I didn’t know how I would ever get through this, how I would put what happened behind me. The feeling of being in Jackson’s arms, being loved by him, had been so mind-blowingly amazing. But would it be the same? Would I ever be able to experience ecstasy again?
