Page 44 of Finding Us Again

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Katie has PT this week, but I’ll be there. She’s gonna come with the family.


If you’re sure? You all have had it rough, so I’ll understand if you don’t want to leave her.


It’ll be fine. It might even do us both some good.

I turned my bike off and walked back into the house, booking a charter on the way. I sneaked my way back to my room, changed clothes, and switched out the backpack for a suitcase and overnight bag.

I trudged back downstairs, leaving my bags in the mudroom. I stood there listening to the happy sounds coming from the family while I gathered my strength to face them. Once I felt like I wouldn’t collapse in on myself, I followed the voices to the kitchen.

Stopping in the doorway, I took in a very familiar sight. This was a common visage for all of us Holts. Very Norman Rockwell, but we were raised with the kitchen as the heart of the home, and this enormous room with sight lines to the family room and dining room was a favorite spot for us all.

My family gathered around the massive kitchen island, all except my dad. He was sitting in his chair in the hearth room off the kitchen with Foster, Declan, Heidi, and Celeste. Mama, Livvy, Evan, Anthony, and Ava were putting together platters of sandwich fixings and fresh veggies and fruit.

With Marcie, Lucia, and Hayden with Katie, that left Scott, Adam, and Brock. Scott was patrolling the property, most likely. He preferred the outdoors. I didn’t know where Adam and Brock were, but they were around somewhere. Sometimes, they were out hunting down leads, but they never went far without telling us.

Mama must have sensed me lurking because she turned and beckoned me into the room. When I hesitated, her brow furrowed, and she came to me.

“Hey, baby. You okay?”

No. No, I’m not the least bit alright.

I swallowed the welling emotion that nearly got the best of me and lied through my teeth. “Yeah, I’m alright, Mama. I’m heading to the airport and needed to grab some of the team.”

I could tell immediately she didn’t buy the lie, but she didn’t push me for more. She asked, “Where are you going?”

I sighed, then swallowed past the lump still stuck in my throat. “Morgan needs me to come early. Charlotte’s giving him fits. She won’t take it easy.”

Mama’s face brightened with shock and happiness. “Are they expecting already?” she whispered.

I nodded. “Yeah, they didn’t waste any time. Keep a lid on it, though, okay? I don’t think they are broadcasting it too much yet.”

She hugged me but pulled away quickly. “Well, when Katie comes down, I’ll drive y’all to the airport.”

“Katie’s not going. She has PT all week. So, she’s staying here with you all as long as that’s okay?” I asked.

She looked at me in disbelief, her eyebrow cocked and her hands on her hips. “Of course, it’s okay. She’s a part of this family. I cannot believe you asked me that.”

I knew it would be. Mama loved Katie, as did Olivia and Dad, so that wasn’t a concern. I didn’t want Mama to think I was taking advantage, nor did I want Katie to feel like she needed to leave just because I wasn’t here. I might be pissed, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still mine.

Katie hadn’t been to her dad’s since we came home. I honestly didn’t know if she’d even spoken with him. I knew Conrad would be ecstatic to have Katie home with him. He’d harassed the fuck out of her the first few days, trying to get her to go home with him, but she refused. Then, about a week after we escaped, Hayden mentioned Conrad’s name, and Katie lost it on Hayden.Since then, he’d made a few sly remarks about Conrad, but Katie ignored them, and I followed her lead.

I pulled Mama to me, kissing her forehead and hugging tight. That thing I couldn’t explain but always knew I would find in her arms flowed through me. It was a combination of some of the best feelings in the world. Calm, love, devotion, and so fucking much more. It was home in a different way than the one I found in Katie’s arms, but no less comforting.

“Thanks, Mama.”

“No problem, baby. So who is going with you? Because don’t even think you’re going by yourself.”

The mama bear had been out in full force since arriving at the Tennessee hospital.

I laughed. “No, ma’am. I wouldn’t think of it. I’m not in the mood for a repeat. I’m taking Foster, Celeste, and Scott. I’ll leave Heidi, Lucia, Declan, and Hayden here with Katie.”

At the mention of their names, the security team looked up. I walked over to them with Mama trailing behind me.

“What’s up, Jackie?” Dad asked.
