Page 61 of Finding Us Again

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Liam grabbed me and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

“Your aunt knows I’m a one-woman man. Kinda like our nephew.” He chuckled, then said, “Let’s get inside so the two of you aren’t recognized.

When we were seated in his office with the team guarding the cars and door and patrolling the halls, Liam explained everything he and Katie had already discussed.

“So what you’re saying is it’s a fifty-fifty chance?” I asked.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Liam replied.

Katie gripped my hand, pulling it into her lap. When I looked at her, she bowed her head; her hair fell over her opposite shoulder, blocking her face. Her hair on the side closest to me was tucked behind her ear, allowing me to see the tears that glittered on her face.

“Is it dangerous to Katie or the babies?”

Liam shook his head. “No, Jackson. It’s a simple blood test. She and the babies will not be at risk due to the test.”

Due to the test?

“What do you mean ‘due to the test?’” I asked. “Are they at risk for some other reason?”

Liam sighed. “Multiples are risky, Jackson. Some pregnancies do fine. Others are plagued with problems.”

I nodded. I knew my parents only had Olivia and me due to the risks and shit that happened while Mama carried us.

“Okay. Let’s do this,” I agreed.

Liam drew the blood and did the cheek swab himself. Katie was rattling apart next to me. I wasn’t doing much better. I didn’t know how we would make it through the following week. Especially if Katie decided to attend the awards ceremony, which Glenn was adamant she needed to attend.

I watched as Liam labeled and packed everything. I asked, “Is there any way to expedite the results? I don’t care what it costs.”

Liam nodded. “I did some research into outside clinics. I have samples to send to the top two in the area. They both offer expedited services. For a fee.”

I nodded, but Katie sucked in a breath. “Liam, how are we keeping this quiet? I don’t want this playing out in the tabloids or on social media.”

Liam chuckled. “I’m using my parents’ names. They are miraculously expecting a child from beyond the grave. Sinceyou’re paying for the tests, there are no insurance issues to worry about.”

When we got home, I helped Katie out of the car. As we walked to the door, Foster pulled me aside.

“Jackson, can I speak with you?” Foster asked.

I nodded.

I told Katie, “Go ahead, darlin’. I’ll be there in a bit.”

I followed Foster to my dad’s study. He closed us in and poured himself and me a drink.

It must be important because Foster pulled out the Jameson.

“What’s up?” I asked as he handed me my glass.

He waited, taking a long, slow drink, staring at me the entire time. “When is she due?” Foster asked.

I huffed. “I’ve already had this conversation with one person on the team. Your answer is the same as theirs. None of your business.”

Foster’s brow wrinkled up, showing his confusion.

Well, at least they aren’t gossiping about it like it’s fucking high school.

“Jackie boy…”
