Page 67 of Finding Us Again

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“I’m going to come, Katie, and I’m going to bathe you in it. It makes me wish people could smell it on you so every fucker on this planet would know you’re mine. And you are, sugar. You’re mine,” Jackson growled.

He worked himself frantically, cum leaking from his tip. His movements lost their rhythm as he groaned what sounded like my name low in his throat. He dropped back on his heels. His hands fell to rest on his thighs as he panted and gasped for breath.

I scrambled to my knees, cupping his face in my hands. A smile stretched my mouth wide.

“Let’s call Liam,” I said.



I chuckled at Katie, tackling her to the bed and kissing her senselessly. The little minx was going to be the death of me.

When the need for air demanded we part, I told her, “Text your secret keeper, and I’ll get something to clean up our mess.”

“He’s called a doctor, and it’s called HIPAA,” Katie snarked.

The sex was amazing, even if I didn’t get to bury my cock in her pretty pussy. But even more impressive was her smiling and cracking jokes with me. She was getting that smartass mouth back that made me want to spank her ass while I shoved my cock down her throat.

I hope it continues.

From my mind to God’s ears, as Gee Mom always said.

I couldn’t fathom what the turnaround was, but I was so fucking thankful for it. I don’t know if it had to do with being pregnantor what. I prayed we got good news from the labs. I didn’t know what would happen if the news wasn’t what we hoped for.

“Liam hasn’t answered,” Katie said, “but Hayden asked us to keep it down because we’re scaring off the wildlife, and two neighbors said their dogs ran off.”

I kissed her mouth as I pulled her up out of bed. I patted her ass, pointing her to the bathroom. “Go shower. I’ll grab you a snack, and I’ll shove one of Hayden’s dirty fucking socks in his mouth. Or better yet, one of Declan’s.”

“I’m no…”

“No. You suck at feeding yourself. You’ve not eaten in almost six hours, and Liam said you need food every two to three hours,” I told her, stripping the bed and remaking it while she stood and looked at me. I could see her getting bent out of shape.

Then, she took a deep breath and walked away. She turned at the door, “You realize you’re bossy, right?”

I smirked at her. “You realize you like it, right?”

I chuckled as she walked away. The sex and the light-hearted banter showed me I was getting at least one of my wishes. I was getting my girl back. Hopefully, we’d get a “Jackson Holt; you are the father” result any day now.

“Absolutely fucking not,” I said.

I knew Glenn and Marcie were going to be here today with clothes. When Katie mentioned it before bed last night, I thought she meant it for her. Not for me.

Two fucking monkey suits in as many weeks. I’d worn one for the wedding, but this was pushing it. It wasn’t the fucking Oscars. This was country music. I could get by in jeans, boots, a button-down, and a blazer. I didn’t need to be trussed up like the Christmas fucking ham.

Marcie sighed and looked at Glenn, who looked at Katie. She shrugged. “He can wear whatever he wants.”

Marcie turned to the rack, pulled out two more garment bags, and handed one to Glenn. “I chose this dress for you, Katie. Since Jackson isn’t keen on the tux, I thought he would prefer this.”

Marcie unzipped the bag, and Katie’s eyes lit up. It was a gorgeous fucking dress, and Katie would look phenomenal in it.

Katie walked forward, running her hand down the fabric. “It’s beautiful, Marcie. Thank you.”

“Ava and Olivia, with the help of Charlotte, were the ones that got designers to send me stuff at the last minute. I just picked the ones I thought you’d like,” Marcie said.

Katie nodded. Shock flashed across her face at the mention of the help Marcie received. It didn’t surprise me when she said, “Can you send them all a gift basket or something as a thank you? The designers, as well.”

“Oh! Look…it has pockets!” Marcie exclaimed.
