Page 70 of Finding Us Again

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She’d barely finished speaking when my phone buzzed in my jacket pocket.

“Liam,” I said when Katie looked up at me.



Oh, shit.

“Do you think…” I asked.

Jackson shrugged and answered the phone as he walked directly to our bedroom. “Hello.”

I started to follow him, but he pointed at the kitchen. “Food first.”




I looked at Marcie and asked, “Can you make me something small to eat?”

“Of course. Any preferences?” she asked.

I shook my head, grabbed my skirt, and rushed after Jackson. I slammed the door behind me and stopped in front of the chair he was sitting in. He appeared cool as a cucumber, but he was twirling his phone on the knee of one leg while bouncing the other.

“Speakerphone?” I asked.

“I told him we’d call him right back,” Jackson said. “Where’s your food?”

I huffed. “Marcie is bringing it. You can go back to being a bossy ass after this phone call.”

Jackson pulled me down into his lap. “Just remember, no matter what the results say, the decision is yours, and I will support whatever you choose.”

I grabbed his face, kissing him firmly. “I don’t know what I did right in life, but I thank God and all the other higher powers out there every day that you walked into that sound check.”

“I know that feeling well, darlin’. Are you ready?”

I nodded, then shook my head.

Jackson chuckled. “Which is it?”

“Just call him,” I demanded. I couldn’t stand to wait another minute.

If you are up there, whoever you are, please…

Tears welled in my eyes, silently spilling over my cheeks. From the moment on Tammy’s porch until now, I’d felt like I was standing on a cliff, waiting, never knowing if I was going to fall or not. I was glad I’d not eaten yet because my stomach was on the verge of revolting.

“Jackson,”answered Liam when the call connected.

“Liam, Katie looks about two seconds from puking on my boots, so let’s get this over with.”

“Okay. Let me forward you the results,”Liam said.

“You’ve not looked at them yet?” Jackson asked.

Liam responded,“No. Had you been in town, I would have printed them and brought them to the house so you two were the first to see them.”
