Page 83 of Finding Us Again

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I rolled my eyes. Brock brayed like a fucking donkey. He was gasping for air in between, making a fool of himself. Everyone within a hundred feet stared at us.

Adam finally shoved Brock. “Jesus, Rocket.”

Evan started to say something, and Adam shook his head. “Kid, Brock and I were in the Navy when being gay would get you an ass kicking and a dishonorable discharge.”

“Plus, he was straight until I got drunk one night and kissed him,” Brock said, smiling at Adam softly while drying the tears from his eyes where he’d been laughing.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time, and it started blowing up, vibrating in my hand.


My mind shut down. The only thing going through it was her name until it kick-started itself a moment later. Every worst-case scenario barreled through it like lightning.

I took off at a sprint, heading for the parking lot. I yelled at Evan as I ran, “Pick up Katie’s present.”

Evan screamed back, “I don’t know what you’re getting her!”

“I’ll text you!”

“Jackson! How the fuck am I supposed to get home?”

I ignored him. I had to get to Katie. He was a big boy. He would figure it out.


Get to Conrad’s



Katie decided it was a good time to confront her dad.

She’s in the backyard screaming like a banshee.

There’s snot and tears, and if she got her hands on a gun, I think she might actually drop the fucker.

In the parking lot, I headed for the driver’s door only to be shoved into the back seat.

“You’re a fucking idiot if you think I’m letting you drive,” Brock said.

We were out of the parking lot in minutes since Brock ignored the traffic markings and the regular exits. He sped down the row toward the grassy area that separated the mall’s parking lot and the road on the other side. He shifted into four-wheel drive on the fly, and we barreled over the curb.

“Goddammit, Rocket! There’s no fucking way you’re merging into the soup on that street,” Adam yelled, hanging onto the Oh Shit handle on the passenger door.

Brock laid on the horn, and by some divine miracle, when we bounced off the grass into oncoming traffic, he power-slid the SUV into a ninety-degree turn to merge us into the sea of last-minute Christmas shoppers.

“Motherfucker, I’ve got a woman to love and two babies on the way I wanna raise. Can you pull your head out of your ass so you don’t fucking kill us,” I yelled at him over the cacophony of squealing tires and car horns.

In half the time that it should have, we pulled onto Conrad’s street. The fucking driveway was packed with cars. There were so many they lined the street, and some spilled over onto the lawn.

Brock swung the SUV into the neighbor’s driveway, cutting through the yard to skid to a stop in front of the chief’s house. I had my door open and was racing toward Katie before the truck stopped moving.

“Katie!” I screamed her name.

I rounded the side of the house to find her toe to toe with the chief. Hayden was right. She was screaming like a banshee. I had no clue where the team was, but that set of lungs that filled arenas was filling the neighborhood as she broadcasted her truth for God and everyone to hear.

“Darlin’, you okay?” I asked as I pulled her into my arms. “Fuck, sugar, your skin is like ice.”
