Page 24 of Godless Creatures

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“What about you, Olivia? What do you want if you win?”

I stood, pivoting for the door. Adopting a flirtatious tone, I said, “The satisfaction of beating you is reward enough.”

Burner started, a grimace splitting his eager expression. “Call Fern to me. He’s in the treatment baths assisting with hydrotherapy.”

A shiver ghosted my skin at his statement, my steps growing heavier the closer I climbed to my intended destination.

The tiled roomwas clinically white, a glossy sheen mirroring grotesque reflections.

A handful of inmates were stripped to their briefs as Fern sprayed them with a high-powered hose (which was predominantly aimed in Psycho’s direction).

Psycho had braced himself against the wall at a strange angle, bearing the brunt of the pressure, protecting Ace, who was huddled behind him.

Nurse Katsy stood aside, a clipboard clasped to her chest, chewing on the end of her pen, her gaze tracking over Psycho’s naked flesh.

I stilled. If I ventured any closer, my Variant would engulf all rational thought and only instinct would remain. For the survival of all others, I couldn’t let that happen.

“What is the meaning of this?” I asked through clenched teeth.

Katsy flinched. “Dr Chaser. I told them to tell you—”

I raised a hand, her words halting from her venomous mouth.

Fern paused his assault and raised a smug brow. “Dr Mudlark ordered hydrotherapy for these patients. We are completing his treatment authority.”

Whimpers echoed from the far wall, frail bodies dripping with ice-cold water.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Calm yourself.

“Dr Mudlark has no jurisdiction overmypatients. Maybe I should pay him a visit, if only to remind him of the conditions required to practice as a doctor in Junction City?”

Fern scowled and Katsy averted my piercing observation.

“Ace Cooks, come with me,” I said.

The remaining patients cowered, however they remained in their positions. They weren’t assigned under my care, so I didn’t have the power to remove them from this heinous treatment.

Turning for the exit, Ace stumbled behind, teeth chattering loudly.

I swallowed the traces of lingering guilt deep down in my gut. It was an emotion I wasn’t attuned to, nor one I wanted to cultivate. I couldn’t save them all.

Before I could pass the threshold, Fern called for my attention. “What about Psycho? He’s yours.”

I glanced over my shoulder. Although he was quivering, Psycho remained resolute and magnificent.

Staring straight into his black holes, I replied, “Is he?” Fern chuckled.

Psycho’s eyes bore into me, their weight heavy.You’re actually going to leave me here?

I huffed. “Fern. Burner wants you in his office.”

“I’ll be there soon,” he replied, before turning the hose back on full blast.

I spared Psycho half a shrug in farewell.

Deal with the consequences.

Ace sankinto the chair opposite, his eyes bouncing off my office walls. Tonight he seemed off-kilter, more anxious than usual, his lighter clicking at an alarming rate.

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