Page 26 of Godless Creatures

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“It’s your one-year anniversary. Did you know that, inmate?” Fern taunted. Apparently I had an annual appointment to attend, a debrief of sorts, to discuss my progress as a patient.

I hadn’t seen Micah since she’d left me at the mercy of the Terror Squad, and I couldn’t help feeling I had lost.

Fern led me further into the castle, down passageways I’d never ventured to before.

My hackles raised at the change of location. The corridor looked exactly the same as every other: clean, grey, bland. But itfeltdifferent, more clinical—plus a hint of misery, coating the walls. My jaw set as my eyes scanned the surroundings, instincts enhanced, searching for any threats.

Turn back.

Fern opened a random iron door that looked 100 years old and stepped aside for me to enter. I arched a brow and turned 180 degrees, intending to backtrack.

My ego got the better of me. I believed my reputation and status alone would be enough to protect me from future conquest, from letting idiots attempt to touch, or even be in the same vicinity as me.

So far, I’d been accurate. My stay here was fucking depressing, but during this year of incarceration no one had ever dared to challenge me, preferring to leave me to my self-inflicted wallowing and self-pity.

Until now.

I was jerked backwards by my jacket, and without hesitation I twisted, using the momentum to forcibly ram my fist into Fern’s nose.

A resounding crack and painful cry rang in my ears, causing a manic grin to spread across my lips. It didn’t falter when four guards swarmed into the corridor, rushing to aid their boss.

Even without my suppressed Variant, I was more than equipped to deal with these low-grade security guards.

Ludus Maximus was the criminal syndicate renowned for producing elite fighters and indestructible soldiers. Specialising in MMA, weapons and all aspects of mortal combat. Andme? I was the best of them all.

They will kneel and beg for mercy before Psycho, the undefeated champion of the motherfucking Caverns.

My shoulders rolled back, severing the last vestiges of restraint holding my festering rage. “Let’s play.”

Fern backed away, cradling his nose, blood seeping through his fingers as he cowered in shock. His minions didn’t waste time invading my space.

The first crouched low, launching to tackle me to the ground. I used his neck as an anchor, tipping him off-balance, the force pushing him headfirst into the hard stone wall. He toppled to the ground, gravity doing the rest.

The remaining three shuffled closer, warier in their approach. At least they were smarter.

Fern remained an overzealous bystander.

“Pussy,”I mouthed.

His impressive scowl carved deeper into his ugly face, but it still wasn’t enough to lure him into the fold.

I had to control my position. If they closed the circle at my exposed back, that would be the end for me and my reputation.

Reluctantly, I side-stepped into the padded cell, backing into the furthest corner. A full-length mirror dominated an entire wall, reflecting the scene from all angles.

I’ll enjoy this.

I tracked their advance with a predator’s precision.

They all followed except for Fern, who locked the iron door behind them, enclosing a supposed clinically insanepsychoin a room amid three victims.

The first came tunnelling forward, her motions amateur at best. She was the only female in the group. I panicked. I’d never hit a girl before.

Reacting on instinct alone, I blocked her assault, and when my punch was about to make contact, my fist unfurled. Instead she copped an open-handed palm straight across the face, the slap hard enough to snap her neck to the side. She was dazed, her footwork shotty when she tipped to her knees.

“Sorry,” I said, in a tone that wasn’t sorry at all. “Gender equality and all that.”

Crouching low, I had little time to prepare for the next. His face was red, eyes bulging from their sockets, veins popping from his flesh.
