Page 28 of Godless Creatures

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“DROP YOUR FUCKING HANDS RIGHT THIS SECOND, BEFORE I PULL THIS TRIGGER AND IT’S YOUR BRAINS THAT SPLATTER THESE FUCKING WALLS!” A familiar voice thundered through the space, the constant hum subsiding as the machine paused.

“Doctor Chaser? Where’d you get a gu—”

“I said. Drop. Your. Fucking. Hands.” Her voice flipped from outward screaming to barely audible, which was even more terrifying. No one could deny she was not playing around. She had come for me.

My golden girl.

Impressively, Dr Mudlark didn’t back down, and actually tried to one-up the woman. “I am following the treatment plan, as per his initial evaluation twelve months ago.”

“I am his doctornow. How dare you commence an operation of this magnitude without my input or consent? Leave, before I report you to the authorities for your inhumane practices.”

“Women,” he scoffed under his breath.

“What did you say?” her voice dipped lower in menace.

“Nothing, nothing.”

“You will no longer have any contact with my patient. If I hear that you have so much as looked through his file? You. Will. Regret. It. Do you hear me? That meansall of you.”

They all agreed with under-toned grunts. Three sets of hesitant footsteps shuffled out the door, which was slammed shut and locked behind them.

My chest glowed and if I wasn’t physically inept, I’d readily drop to my knees and worship at her altar. I felt the exact moment the tight restraints were pulled and loosened from my body. A gentle hand tracked down the side of my face, theimpression delayed but so welcome. Then a sharp sting lanced in its place.

My eyes flickered open and my vision cleared on the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

Micah King.

I almost laughed at the fucking absurdity of it all.

“Did you just giggle?” she gasped in disbelief.

“Did you just slap me?” was my slurred reply.

“Sorry?” she asked with nil remorse written into her features whatsoever.

Oblivion was fast approaching. I could feel the drug sedating my system, distorting my senses, when all I wanted was to stay right there—in that moment with her.

“You stopped them from cleaving into my brain. Maybe you should have let them. I am insane, you know.”

“If being a Variant makes you insane, then I’m just as insane as you are. No one deserves this type of barbaric treatment, Psycho.”

“August,” I muttered.


I groggily lifted my hand, a stray finger outlining her plump lips.

“Don’t call me Psycho. Call me August.”

A trace of a smile lifted beneath my fingertip. “Sleep, August. I’ll look over you.”

And fuck me, did I believe her.

As blackness invaded my awareness once more, I welcomed the onslaught without any regret or anger.

I had given her my name—and with it, so much more.

Chapter 13
