Page 36 of Godless Creatures

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“I’ve heard it increases pleasure, and the perfect opportunity presented itself. Why wouldn’t I take advantage?”

“And the best time to do that was right now?” Humour thickened my tone. Emerson’s shoulders laxed as mirth shone in her eyes.

Spencer’s gaze bounced between us, her face reddening from her rising frustration (not to be misconstrued for embarrassment). “This isn’t funny. You were taking too long. Will you help me or not?”

I turned to Emerson. “Can you heal her by hovering your hand in front of the dressing and not making direct contact?”

Her face drained of all humour. “You can’t be serious.”

I arched a brow and she hissed through gritted teeth. “It won’t be as effective. But I can at least blanch the bleeding.”

I gave a sharp nod. “Do that. She can deal with the pain.”

Spencer pouted and Emerson saddled up to her side. “Don’t remove that fucking dressing. The last thing I want is a view.”

Spencer shrugged. “Your loss. It’s a pretty view.”

Emerson and I shared a look before we finally succumbed to joint laughter.

“Laugh it up now. But you will regret that you didn’t get one yourself when my pleasure increases tenfold. Plus, this will only add to my overall sex appeal.”

“I’d like to say I’m surprised, but I’m not. I’m going to clean up. Then let’s go out, I need a drink. I’m way too sober for your specific brand of bullshit.”

Chapter 16


Iexited the basic bathroom, adjusting one of my loose earrings that dangled freely. A sharp wolf whistle rang out, accompanied by spontaneous clapping.

“God damn, sis,” Emerson said. “Who’re you trying to impress tonight? The mayor, or your crazy boyfriend?”

“He’s not my boyfriend.”He is more.

“So he is crazy?” Spencer smirked. “If he isn’t already, he definitely will be once he sees you in that. Phew.”

They were both sprawled in different positions on the fighting mats. They’d been sparring for the past couple of hours while I got ready.

I’d stolen a dark purple gown from Spencer’s closet; long-sleeved with a high collar to cover the bulk of my tattoos. Depending on the position, my latest ink would peek out from the slit in my dress that parted all the way up to my hip.

Ignoring their taunts, I snagged a dinner roll and chucked a bottle of water to Emerson.

“You’re even flashing your new tattoo,” Spencer said, sitting at the kitchen island and shoving a lollipop in her mouth. “He’s going to think that’s permission to smell those fragrant flowers and fertilise your hidden garden.”

Emerson and I groaned. “Ignore her, M. You look beautiful. You’re alright on your own tonight?”

She and Tanner had argued that one of them should accompany me for back up. I refused. If my identity was compromised, at least they’d still be active.

It was election year, and Mayor Oakview was desperately grasping onto his seat of power. The night's fundraiser was for JC’s elite, to pretend they cared about the lower ends of society, hence the asylum being the chosen location for the fancy charity ball.

I shook my head. “I’ll be careful.”

Spencer leant back on her stool, balancing on two legs, a wide, cheesy grin dominating her face. “Yeah, careful Psycho doesn’t slip over and slide his dick into you. That type of careful?”

Emerson choked on her water.

“I’m not even going to see him tonight, perv. He’s locked up in a completely separate area.”

Spencer’s eyes scanned up and down my figure, catching on my uncovered leg. “Mm-hmm.”
