Page 51 of Godless Creatures

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“I don’t know…I-I don’t fucking know her name.”

Latching onto his greasy hair, I yanked his head back for the disrespect, his neck straining as my gaze bled into his.

“That’s right. And you’ll never know,” I said, before slamming his face into the ground.

I veered around his trembling body as liquid pooled over the floor.

Did this motherfucker piss himself?

Sidestepping the puddle of urine, I lifted his uninjured hand. “You defied my request, made a mistake. And you will pay for that mistake. Once I’m done, consider justice paid in full. Let’s see if you survive it.” Bending over, I got to work.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN, THERE’S NO FOOTAGE?!” Mayor Oakview screamed through the monitor, the speakers crackling from the onslaught.

We were jammed into Burner’s office, forced into an emergency debrief meeting regarding the astronomical failure that was the fundraiser ball.

Oakview Asylum was in lockdown, two staff members murdered and no suspect in sight. Since their gruesome deaths, most hadn’t returned, leaving Burner and I to clean up the mess.

“I don’t know, sir. The whole server’s been wiped,” Burner said. “The police can’t find anything.” He looked like shit, his appearance unkempt, an all-around fucking disaster.

“It was one of those lunatics! I don’t care which, pick one and be done!” Mayor Oakview shouted, his carotid thumping down the side of his neck. He should have been more careful. He could have given himself a cardiac arrest, with all that stress.

I forcibly pushed my smile back, adopting the ideal mourning image.

“And now we have to deal with this inmate in the Intensive Care Unit. How the fuck are you running this place, Burner?”

Burner’s knee bounced beneath his desk. “We assume it’s the same person. They used Fern’s swipe card to access Walter’s room.”

My attention perked at the name. “What happened to Walter?”

Burner softened his tone. “He was attacked overnight. His hands were mutilated beyond repair. Plus, he’d lost a lot of blood by the time he was found. His tongue was cut out.”


“It’ll be a miracle if he makes it out alive.”

Mayor Oakview grunted, unfazed. “Good. He can be our suspect.” Said and spoken like a true politician.

My lips involuntarily pursed and Mayor Oakview caught the expression, as if only just realising I was in the room.

“I apologise for the callousness, Dr Chaser. If you’re struggling, please go home and rest.” His voice was calm and soothing.

“I’d prefer to continue as normal, please.” They both agreed, and I excused myself from the stifling environment.

I had to see August, and I had to see himnow.

What is that imbecile thinking?

Yes,I was frustrated, however my body also hummed with warmth as my lips tipped upwards of their own accord.

Get a fucking grip, woman.

I burst through my office door, slammed it shut and didn’t give him a chance to blink before I spat.

“What the fuck have you done?”

August exhaled a long puff of smoke before turning his head and tracing his deadly eyes up to mine. My breath caught at his sexy, sideways smirk.
