Page 63 of Godless Creatures

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“Hold it there, Goliath. You’re going to tell us where to find our sister.Now.”

I arched a sarcastic brow in reply, which definitely pissed her off. Her green eyes ignited with the challenge, as if she was trying to restrain herself from pulling the trigger. “Now listenhere,Psycho.I know your pea-sized brain rattles around in that oversized head of yours.” She lurched forward, the pistol digging into my skin. “But let me explain thisrealsimple for you, okay? You. Will. Tell. U—"

“Cut the shit, Spence,” Emerson interjected. “He’s already had the talk, and we’ll sort it out back at the Temple. We’ve got to get out of here,” she finished, shoving a helmet to my chest. “You ride with me.”

I turned to Tanner with raised brows.Are these girls for real? Throwing out commands as if I’ll automatically obey?He shook his head and chuckled before slipping on his helmet. “Emerson’s the best rider. If anyone can get you out, it’s her.”

Blue and red lights glowed brighter and a crowd was beginning to swarm the surrounding streets. The motorbike dipped under my weight as I grabbed onto Emerson’s hips.

“Cop a feel, big man, and you’ll find yourself without fingers.”

I grunted. “There’s only one woman I willingly want to touch, and trust me little one, that isn’t you.”

“Maybe his brain isn’t so small after all,” she said, humour lacing her words.

I barely had time to slip on my own helmet before she hit the throttle. Shooting out at high speed, my ass nearly fell off the back with the sudden shock.

All three Kings split ways, Tanner and Spencer disappearing into the distance as Emerson rode through the main street, gaining the attention of the police force.

“What the fuck?” I gasped.

Emerson’s voice echoed round my head. “I don’t want them to follow Tan and Spence. I’ll lead them away,” I started, realising that our helmets were linked.

Sure enough, a couple of cops took the bait.The chase was on.

I was pleasantly surprised by Emerson’s skills. She weaved effortlessly through traffic, correcting to my added weight without a care. The bike swerved at impossible angles, whipping through the back streets and alleys of Junction City, losing our assailants along the way.

Emerson slowed, turning at a leisurely pace, when out of nowhere two cops came barrelling towards us. A girlish giggle sounded through my helmet speaker, and I swear I’d never heard a more evil sound.

Emerson accelerated at top speed, heading directly for them. They hesitated at the last second, splitting directions and creating a free path through the centre.

She’s fucking mad.

As we shot off into the night, adrenaline spiked my system and my pulse increased, triggering my Variant. Environmental noise became deafening, smells repugnant and the bright neon glow of city lights blinding.

I am free.

Emerson raced along Florian River, the long stretch of road clogged with traffic, all awaiting passage over Hangman’s Bridge—a double-leafed, movable overpass that was currently raising to accommodate a large boat passing beneath.

“Go over the bridge,” I said.

Emerson snickered. “Are you insane? Actually, don’t answer that.”

“I’m serious, we’ll make it.” My eyesight was adapting to the darkness, gaze sharpening on the trajectory of the moving bridge. My hands lined either side of hers on the handlebars, and she flinched. “I wouldn’t do anything to risk your safety—hersafety. First: Micah would fucking kill me. Second: who will get her back if something happens to me? There is no way I’ll leave this world without knowing she’s safe.Ever.”

Emerson relinquished her hold, my body curling over her tiny form (which wasn’t difficult). Blasting the ignition, I turned for the rising bridge.

“Fuck! Why did I let you talk me into this?” Emerson gasped as we raced over the edge, bike hurtling forward, completely airborne.

The wind whipped at our clothes, threatening to drag us down to the watery depths below. I flipped a middle finger high in the air, making sure it was the last thing those motherfuckers saw before my climactic fucking departure.

Tyres screamed from the jolting impact as we landed on the other side, engine gearing down to come to an abrupt stop.

“What’s funny?” Emerson puffed. I hadn’t realised I was laughing.

“Nothing,” I replied. “Let’s speed this along, little one. My golden girl’s waiting.”

Chapter 26
