Page 66 of Godless Creatures

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“I’ll bow down to death before that ever happens,” I admitted honestly.

“Get her back forus.”He offered his hand, which I accepted in a tight grasp of my own.

Tanner released me, then veered for the door. “Let’s go hunting, Meek.”

Spencer announced her arrival in the common area by loading a gun. My eyebrows raised to the roof, hand gesturing to her attire. “Why are you in a ball gown? You do realise we’re going to the Caverns…the fighting pits?”

Emerson and Tanner loitered in the exit, both their faces identically amused. Ava sat at the kitchen island stroking Fran, trying and failing to hide a laugh.

Spencer smoothed over her dress as if I’d personally offended her. We wouldn’t get two steps in without being spotted with that orange monstrosity. I directed a glare to the King duo that remained in the doorway. “She should go with you.”

“Don’t be like that, lil bro.” Spencer had to extend to her tiptoes to place a loose arm over my shoulders.

“Can you watch where you point that fucking gun?” I screeched, the barrel of her pistol carelessly digging into my side.

I detached from her grasp and, ignoring Fran’s growls, placed a kiss to Ava’s hair in farewell. I was over waiting.

Shouldering through the shit-stirring Kings, I descended the stairs to the garage.

“Ultraviolet my fucking ass,” I mumbled under my breath.

Chapter 27


“Of course the meeting is cancelled, you idiot,” Oscar’s voice boomed. “Why would my boss enter this fucking shitshow? The Ludus promised discretion, and the brothel we were supposed to enter was blown the fuck up in pink smoke.”

A lowly Ludus pleb stuttered under Oscar’s aggressive ministration. My former uncle was an intimidating man, especially with his attention placed solely on you. “I’m sorry, sir. Boss apologises for the inconvenience, and has personally requested your presence at the Gladiator Games tonight to amend the oversight.”

The sound of smashing glass could be heard ricocheting through the rounded office. Eight large pillars surrounded the circular conference table, with arched doorways on either side. My back was plastered to one of those concrete cylinders, listening to these dim-witted men play their power games.

“I don’t give a fuck what Maximus has ordered me to do. I don’t answer to him. He answers to fucking me and mine, and he better remember that before he ends up in his own death match.” Oscar’s tone dropped deathly quiet. “And I’ll give you a tip: my money isn’t on him.”

Now, what the fuck was Mayor Oakview’sbodyguarddoing shouting commands at an underground kingpin? Many people had been killed for less, and I should know.

“Now go and scurry off to your master. And tell him that his quota better be on time.”

“We are ready for our next distribution of Amp—" His words were cut off by a choking screech.

“I wasn’t talking about Amp.” I risked a peek. Oscar had the thin man shoved against the wall, his large hand constricting his oesophagus. “I’m not waiting for Maximus. We expect a thorough update before our meeting with Vice in two weeks. Ensure you don’t fuck up again.”

Oscar released him, his victim lurching from the ground to make his escape. Then Oscar turned for the exit—the one right beside me.

Inhaling a deep breath, I blocked the door.

His step faltered, sparing half a glance. “Move. I’ve no interest in your services.”

I snickered. “Do you ever,Uncle?”

Oscar looked at me then, truly looked at me. His gaze climbed my body—not in a lustful way, more cataloguing every inch to make sense of my presence. He flinched, catching the tattoo on my chest, his eyes finally clashing with my amber orbs, the exact shade of my father’s.

The air charged between us before he took a hesitant step forward, his features lined with affection. “Micah? Kin—”

“Don’t say my name. Don’t speakourname.” I stepped back.

His expression stilted at my retreat, clocking my aggressive stance.

I didn’t realise that deep fucking down, I was hoping I was wrong. That when we came in contact, he would assuage my doubts with some fantastical story about why he was alive, why he hadn’t searched for us.
