Page 75 of Godless Creatures

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When I finally came to, I was shirtless, thick, warm blood stuck to every inch of my exposed chest, lungs heaving from exertion as sweat ran down my face.

One guard remained, his whimpers growing in volume as I stalked him like the prey he was. He remained on his back, shuffling for the exit and holding onto his injured shoulder. The bullet wasn’t lethal. I didn’t want him to have the easy way out.

I craved a hands-on death, lived for the close kill, hungered for the warmth of fresh blood slipping through my fingers. Only the worst of us recognised the desperate yearning for the slowing thumps of a dying heart. And like the others, I’d get that from him.

“Get on your knees,” I commanded him, my voice raspy from misuse.

When he finally stumbled to a kneeled position, he looked up at me with all the fear in the world shining in his eyes. My heart lifted at the expression.

Without ceremony, I lifted a 10kg dumbbell and repeatedly concaved it into his skull, the resounding cracks of his thick bone harmonising with the screeching female screams that filled the air.

Everything eclipsed into the background when a slow, singular clap arose, tumbling into an enthusiastic applause. I lifted my gaze to Spencer, still in her disguise, leaning against the threshold with a mask of total glee. Not a single hair on her head was out of place and not a fleck of dirt marked her pristine orange gown.

She swaggered forward, no hesitation in her step whatsoever, releasing a low whistle.

I lifted a brow at her unblemished appearance. “Why does it look like you simply stood there and watched?”

Spencer chuckled. “As if you needed my help, Mr 10%.” She veered past me and crouched in front of the terrified cowering women in the corner, the stench of urine heavy, as potent as their fear. “Where is Rose?” Spencer asked gently.

When no one answered, Spencer bolted upright, the fast movement causing them all to flinch. “Like he said,” she pointed to the heap of mangled flesh that lay before me, completely unrecognisable. “Brown hair, golden eyes, a killer fucking body. She’s been here, so WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!” her shrill voice exploded.

One girl with a lily stitched over her front lifted her chin—the only one who wasn’t whimpering in fear—her eyes direct and clear. “She’s down the corridor in the end room. She was taken there and hasn’t returned.”

Spencer eyed her off and looked on the verge of shredding her to pieces. I pulled on her arm. “Let’s go.”

Spencer hit my hand off, a bright red handprint staining the fabric. Her eyes narrowed, orange irises transitioning ruby red to match. Literally.

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll buy you a new one.”

She didn’t reply, although from her expression, I realised this wouldn’t be the end.

Instead, we turned in unison and stormed towards the room in question, the door tearing from its hinges as we shoved through the tiny archway.

There was Micah, her wrists tied above her as her tight thighs constricted the neck of a guard. His face was purple, eyes bulging out of their sockets from the pressured chokehold. We were ableto catch a glimpse of his last remaining seconds of life before she released her tense muscles and he flopped forward, dead.

Spencer pouted in annoyance. “We came to save you, Micah. At least act like a victim.”

“From the looks of it, you didn’t do much.” Her gaze bounced between us, eyeing our polar opposite appearances. “You came too early, I was waiting for Maximus.”

Spencer rolled her eyes and examined the weapons that laid atop a random desk. “Do you want us to leave?”

“No,” I said, finally finding my voice. Upon finding Micah I was rendered motionless, emotions cascading into a raging tornado as I clocked every inch of her. The bruised cheek, chafed wrists, grazed legs, her dishevelled state—all whilst wearing a piece of fucking string. She was hurt and I had just caught her with a man’s face between her fucking legs, his limp dick flapping like some dying fish. No matter the circumstances, I couldn’t fucking take it.

I kicked the corpse aggressively out of the way and raged towards my golden girl.

Coming up short, my face hovered inches above hers as my fingers traced her injured face. “You have a lot of explaining to do, baby.”

Unperturbed by my aggressive stance, her eyes filled with warmth as she wrapped her legs around my waist. “That I do.”

With her skin finally against mine, I wasn’t about to pull away. I wasn’t going to let her go. I ripped apart the ropes constricting her wrists, freeing her from the restraints, her weight settling onto my hips as her arms wrapped around my neck. “My hero,” she teased as her lips came forward to brush against mine.

I didn’t want gentle, I didn’t want soft. Not then.

My fingers dug into her ass, then I devoured her mouth.

I heard a grumble of disgust before Spencer scurried out the door to leave us to our reunion.

Chapter 31
